How Yoga Teaches Self-Compassion | DoYogaWithMe

Stepping onto your yoga mat can be like entering a quiet conversation with yourself, one that unfolds through every stretch and breath. Imagine...

30+ Yoga Travel Experiences to Realign Your Chakras

"], "filter": { "nextExceptions": "img, figure, blockquote, div", "nextContainsExceptions": "img, figure, blockquote, a.btn, a.o-button"} }"> ...

How To Engage Your Core In Yoga: Tips And Techniques

I still remember my first yoga class. It was a beginners’ class and as we moved into our first downward dog, the instructor...

How To Choose A Yoga Mat

Yoga isn’t all about the accessories. You can practice yoga anywhere, even in bed. However, a few things can make your asana practice...

Five Senses Mindfulness Meditation • Yoga Basics

Your five senses can provide the foundation for a simple yet powerful meditation technique to ground yourself in the present moment. By tuning...

How To Do Downward Facing Dog Pose Correctly

Downward-facing dog (adho mukha svanasana) is a common pose in yoga and can provide a whole host of benefits. In modern yoga, it’s...

A Path to Yoga — Tara Mitra Yoga

Tara is a life long lover of learning, discovering new ideas, people, and places. It seems no accident that her mentor,...

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Opening A Yoga Studio? Here’s The Essential Equipment

Opening a yoga studio is an exciting adventure. Picture a serene space with soft light, the scent of sandalwood in the air, and...

Birth Story: Induction and Trust with Yali Szulanski

Today, we’re diving into a community birth story that’s far more than just a tale of delivery. Ready for some intriguing details? My...

Detox and Reset | 40-Minute Yoga Practice

Full class alert! I invite you to practice through the very last second of this video. You got this! This intermediate session focuses on...

Yoga during Pregnancy – Safe Poses for All Trimesters

Practicing yoga during pregnancy proves to be highly beneficial for expectant mothers. This video provides you with the list of some best yoga asanas...

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