How to Incorporate Koan Meditation into Your Practice and Your Life...

By Dr. Kaiya Ansorge What is a koan? A koan is a phrase or word that is used in meditation to train the mind. Usually, the koan is somewhat puzzling in order to...

How To Choose A Yoga Mat

Yoga isn’t all about the accessories. You can practice yoga anywhere, even in bed. However, a few things can make your asana practice...

Top 7 Yoga Trends of 2024

Today’s yoga trends might at first glance seem a far reach to what we know of the ancient early practices some 5,000 years...

Practical Advice from the Yoga Mat – Daily Cup of Yoga

By Melissa Bryan Lead With Love Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my...

How Yoga Teaches Self-Compassion | DoYogaWithMe

Stepping onto your yoga mat can be like entering a quiet conversation with yourself, one that unfolds through every stretch and breath. Imagine...

Can Yoga Help You Learn to Surf?


Postnatal Yoga and Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti (separation of the rectus abdominis) affects all expectant folks to some degree. However, some birthing parents will experience greater ab separation...

Embracing Slowing Down In The Journey Of Self-Discovery

Hello Mind-Body-Spirit Enthusiasts, In the realm of Tai Chi, a profound aspect of healing lies in the art of slowing down. It's a practice...

12 Benefits of Yoga for Seniors • Yoga Basics

As people age, they often face challenges such as decreased mobility, balance issues, joint pain, and various health conditions. Yoga provides a gentle...

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Stretches for Lower Back Pain Relief & Tight Hips | 15 Min. Recovery and...

Enjoy this effective Yoga inspired Stretching Routine to release tension in your hips and lower back. This routine is designed to reduce tension, and...

Yoga for Weight Loss | Balance Practice | Yoga With...

Calling all yogis to the mat to deepen their practice and get your full body working. This Yoga For Weight Loss practice is designed...

Lower Back & Hip Stretch & Strengthen Yoga Class – Five Parks Yoga

This yoga class starts in my favorite low back and hip stretching posture - Extended Childs Pose. As the class begins, I guide you...


Use this grounding flow to help re-center and connect with your body and breath when feeling anxious or overwhelmed. This sequence includes standing and...