What Are Yogic Foods and How Can They Benefit You?

Yogic foods, also known as Sattvic foods in traditional yoga philosophy, are considered beneficial for promoting physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual well-being. These...

How To Practice Visualization for Achieving Your Goals

Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you achieve your goals by mentally rehearsing success and reinforcing positive outcomes. Here’s how to practice...

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Pregnancy, Preeclampsia, and A Beautiful Ending with Alicia Krakauer

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Infertility is one of the most common troubles induced by stress and erratic lifestyles. Yoga-inspired exercises are ideal for women who are thinking about...

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👉🏼 Join us for the 21 Day Yoga Challenge: ✨ Starting 30th September to practice many asanas, meditations and learn the yoga philosophy. Welcome...