Best Stretches For Back Pain Relief | How To Cure Back Pain


These effective stretches for back pain relief are an easy and gentle path to recovery, healing, and back pain prevention. By incorporating these beginner yoga postures and movements each day, you can start rehabilitating and healing your sore back and aching or tight muscles.

Whether you are recovering from disk herniation, sciatica pain, or any other back pain & discomfort, these yoga asanas, stretches, and exercises will slowly guide your body to better health and well-being.

Some great yoga classes for relieving back pain:

Back Pain & Sciatica Relief

Yoga For Your Back | Strength, Recover, & Tone

By doing these back pain relief stretches and strengthening exercises for back pain and discomfort, we will slowly bring more blood flow and oxygen into the joints and muscle tissues.

Remember to go slow and listen to your body. If you believe you are suffering from a more serious injury like disk herniation, bulging disks, sciatica, or any other more serious injuries, PLEASE consult your doctor or physical therapist to make sure these exercises and postures are right for you. Back injury is a very serious condition that must not be taken lightly, thus if you begin to experience any shooting or sharp pain, stop the exercise and talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise.


Video Location: Morgans Rock Eco Lodge

#BohoBeautiful #BackPain #backpainstretches

If you enjoy this easy flow, feel free to check out some of our other beginner easy flow classes to help you get into that super relaxed and calm state of mind:

Perfect Morning Yoga

Yin Yoga For Flexibility

Yoga For All Levels

Yoga For Digestion

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Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.


  1. Thank you for this session. I have upper back pain, in my shoulder blade, right side. This was gentle enough for me to do and feel good. I have been following you for a number of years now and love all that you do!! Both of you! I will slowly get back into your sessions as my back allows me to. Namaste Peace & Love ~Angel

  2. Dear friend, I thank you deeply for bringing sunshine in my life – during covid, bad days, your yoga flow brightened me up. I have lower back pain sometimes cause am too flexible and tend to overstretch myself. Would you confirm my feeling that the foreward fold position may be tricky for people like me and cause the back to stretch too much and hurt? thanks.LOVE XXXX

  3. For three days i had a lower back pain. Today i did first yoga for lower back pain by Adrienne and later this exercises by Boho Beautiful Yoga and I feel soooooo much better. Now I can move. There is something just little bit pain in my back but it doesn’t hinder me from doing what i was planing to do today. Thank you a lot ❤️


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