Back Pain For 8 YEARS Until This! 🤯



  1. For my whole life, I had back problems, and doctors (who were all out of shape btw) explicitly told me to NEVER lift anything heavier than 5 kilos. One day, I just went to gym, then again, and again, and now, I'm squatting 90 kilos for reps. My back has gotten very strong. I'm now doing additional exercises like back extensions, suitcase carries, rdl's and farmer's walks to make sure it's bulletproof. I also include hip mobility stretches on top of those.

  2. ""Good stuff (Chiro-Guy)..You're starting to make a supershow of this shit! I personally think that.. (with your Chiro & digital knowledge), "You should design a Certifiable Chiropractic Class" Triple C-Chiro.. I'd probably buy it! "Though you need to grind& give me a5% royalty of course 😘""🎉

  3. been having gluteus medius chronic pain for 3 years felt like an old man daily and hated life. got recycled through physical therapy a number of times and seen several specialists to no avail. found you videos and started doing the exercised on my own and feel a lot has improved. thank you


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