Therapeutic Yoga or Yoga with the help of props brings unbelievable results for those who are suffering from health conditions such as chronic pain of slipped disc, sciatica, knee pain, cervical, etc.
It allows one to perform various Yoga postures with proper alignment and technique under the guidance of an expert, which is beneficial to alleviate the condition.
For More Information about courses visit:-
Address:- Krishna Kripa, 1 Basement, Subash Nagar Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 302016
For Booking Your Appointment, Call on this number:- +91 77373 71525, +91 77280 12283
#yogajaipur #yogacenter #dailyyogapractice #yogawellness #kneepain #yogaforkneepain #yogahealth #yogatherapy #arthritisrelief #KneeHealth #kneepainrelief #mindfulness #yogainspiration #yogajourney2023
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अगर आप पुणे मे अपनी ब्रँच स्टार्ट करेना विचार कर रहे हो तो बहोत फायदा होगा पुणे के लोगो को.
We're is ur location please
Please Address?
Ap kaha rahte h guruji
Спасибо этим людям которые помогают справится с болью
Please give the contact number
Thindi tagginchukunte ee bhadali vundavukada
My pakistan sy. L4l5s1 disk bulg, please Hall bta den
एड्रेस बताने का कष्ट करें ताकि और भी लोग लाभ उठा सकें
Please send your number
Details send mi
Kuthe aahe hi terapye
Kaam dhandhe hoge mndhe isliye chal rahe nkli fande
Sey lailahaillah Muhammad rasool allah's thanks
काहापर अवेलेबल हैं यह थेरपी
In which city it is located
Please send your address and phone number. I can come down there and I bring my other friend and I tell everybody and I bring.
Adress send kerdo
Ye kaha par hai
Address send pls
How can we consult you ?
Kya bat h ladkiyo ki ye problem ladke solve karte hai or ladko ki problem yha ladkiyan solve karti hai esa hai hamare desh ke log kya maze lo 😂😂😂😂
இதெல்லாம் தேவை இல்லாத வேலை உழைத்து வாழந்தால் இது தேவையா
Where it is
उपचार पद्धती चांगली आहे गड्या पण हे लोक हटकून करतात काही गोष्टी,,, पुरुषाची ट्रीटमेंट लेडीज करते आणि लेडीजची ट्रीटमेंट पुरुष करते अशी ट्रीटमेंट करताना दाखवतात लेडीज ची ट्रीटमेंट लेडीज न करावी पुरुषाची ट्रीटमेंट पुरुषाने करावी म्हणजे यामध्ये फालतूचा विविध पणा आणि इकडे तिकडे हात लागणे हे होणार नाही
Love the video! I’ve been using Planet Ayurveda’s natural remedies for back pain, and I’m so happy with the results. Give them a try – you won’t regret it!
What I would consider giving up just to have this done to me a few times a month for a year or two!!! I'd give a kidney! I'd give my eye sight! & Pay an unheard of amount of money!😩😥 Because in the end I will most definitely say WORTH EVERY PENNY!!! i have severe SCOLIOSIS. Currently my spine is the exact shape of a capital S! 😭 On top of scoliosis I have both types of osteoporosis! Wow! I hit the lottery on yin & yang of medical problems! Yeah me! Go Molly! Lol! I laugh & joke because it helps me not go crazy from the pain & claustrophobic feeling of being limited inch by inch in movement. It's living a nightmare every single second for me. 😖😢😩 I apologize for stealing 4 minutes of your life you can't get back. I'm sorry. I should not turn innocent people on you tube my victims. 😒❤💛❤💛✌👋👍🙏