Asanas to overcome Depression | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra


Life is about ups and downs, we learn and we grow through these experiences. But how can one take this experience of life in a better manner? or How can one deal with depression in a better manner?

In today’s video Dr. Hansaji guides and tells us about 3 asanas and exercises that are a must that one can practice to help deal with depression.

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  1. Antidepressants tablets (depression ka dawa )cause erectile dysfunction
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  2. I'm in my late sixties and find some of them hard to accomplish. Are there any easier ones for the more senior persons ? I manage the easier ones so I'm gradually finding them helpful. If there's more that are easier, please show us. Thanks

  3. I'm disappointed. My son sent me this link. I've just been prescribed anti-depressants. This yoga clearly isn't for anyone who isn't slim and healthy. I'm the opposite and living with many heath conditions. I haven't been able to get down onto the floor now for countless years. Automatically I am excluded.


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