Are you feeling Anxious?? Powerful Yoga Mudra for Anxiety Relief
✋ *Health in Your hands -* *3 Days Mudra Therapy Workshop*
✅ In this 3 days workshop you will learn – 🟢what is Mudra?
🟢How does this work?
🟢how many mudras are there?
🟢Mudra for stress & Anxiety
🟢Mudras for Asthma, cough, cold & throat Infection
🟢Mudras for Diabetes
🟢Mudras for kidney problem, Edema
🟢Mudras for constipation, Gas, Acidity
🟢Mudras for heart problems
🟢Mudra for weight loss
🟢Mudra for glowing face ,hair
🟢Mudra for liver, Detox Mudra
🟢Mudra to increase oxygen level
🟢Mudras for thyroid problem
🟢Mudras for back pain & Arthritis & many
FB Page/ YOGA Shakti
Contact +971558642051/ +919289652811 or any query
12 tribus d'Israël 😊🤣👍🙏🤗😇
Which mudra is done to cure sjogran's syndrome?
You have two videos for Anxiety including this, as detailed below for 25 min per day.
1. Kaleswara Mudra 10-5 min which helps to take control of the mind
2. Apana vayu Mudra. 10 min both hands – Anxiety Relief.
3. Gyan Mudra 10 min
Guten tag..welches mudra hilft gegen spirituele angriffe von außen ich benötige dringend hilfe …danke
Hello mam..While doing this mudra, it is as if something is stuck on the scalp..what to do..pls help me
Subscribed ur channel 😅
Anurag Dubey Advocate Supreme Court
How are you planning to learn link please