Abs, Arms, and Attitude! | Yoga For Weight Loss


Our Yoga For Weight Loss series continues with this 31-minute warming practice that invites you to focus on the power of thought as you build strength and awareness in the arms and abdominals.

In this practice, I invite you to work with the body rather than on the body.

With a focus on upper body strength, waking up the abdominal wall, and bringing some energy to the third chakra – the power center, we’ll also check in with the attitude that surrounds how we feel about our bodies. This sequence will have you stepping off your mat feeling your best, physically AND mentally.

Return to this video to build muscle tone.
Return to this video anytime you need a reset.
I got your back.

Let me know how it goes for you in the comment section down below!


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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.


  1. I used to be so terrified every time Adriene would include side plank in a practice. Now, I almost look forward to it! It's wonderful to know that my body has become capable of these things through two years of regular practice.

  2. I recently started doing your "butt kicking" practices. But like – yoga butt kicking with softness, ease, yoga breathing & prayer hands lol. So now those are the only ones YouTube ever shows me. 😆 So I guess that's my new YWA journey and I'll take it, let's goooo!!!

  3. Whew! Doing this outside in 83 degree F weather was rough! I was very sweaty! But I felt so good when I finished that I ended up tagging on 30 minutes of cardio. Thanks!

  4. That was a fiery practice, but I loved it! I liked how you said that it's ok to modify and take brakes, it ecouraged me to try my best, knowing that it's not an easy practice and it's ok to meet my appropriate edge 🔥

  5. April 2024 BUILD – this month I had to switch up the practices, depending on how much (or how little) time I have. Arms are looking good, abs are still invisible (but boy do I feel them now!!!), and I'm feeling strong, will take no s*it today! Sending love to the whole community, a special thanks, as always, to Adriene, Benji, and the whole team! Thank you so much for these awesome practices! 💞

  6. One of the most important lessons I've learned from practicing with Adriene is that if I am consistent, poses I could not do before mysteriously, wonderfully, become available to me. A few months ago I could not do the toe stand, tonight my body just…did it. I love you Adriene and I love practicing with this community. Namaste!

  7. Build, April 20, 2024. This heated up the body a lot. Worked on seeing it through without the grumbling, or at least instantly recognizing what I was doing and quickly turning it all into positive affirmations. And practiced building that strength up to the edge and just past it when I could. At least up til I noticed I was aggravating pain and not helping myself in the poses. Choosing to work on my power instead. Namaste everyone! 💙

  8. Wow that felt alot more intense, today then it should have. Today I'm not feeling my best, I've got my Fibromyalgia acting up as it does. My shoulders, and lower back hurt like hell, but even so I persisted with my daily yoga with Adriene. I had to pause the video a couple of times to rest, and get my breath back, but I did it. I feel so good that I did it. Today's practice has helped my pain in one way, and I do feel stronger, but now I'm gonna do a slightly gentler practice, and cool it down. Thank you so much Adriene & Benji, for always being there for me. Love you both, see you again tomorrow, with me hopefully feeling a little more myself. 💕 Namaste 🙏🧡

  9. Build Day 20:04:24✅👌🏾😅Thanks Adriene for adding this awesome session for Build , you are the best. I so needed this, just what's really helped on a busy Saturday, it has served me well. Really nice for bedtime too. Enjoy building buddies and a calm relaxing night to you all. Namaste ☮️❤🙏🏾

  10. What kind of magic is it that I could barely left my arms from 10mn of push-ups from yesterday's practice but after 30mn of arms and abs (and attitude!!!!) somehow my arms don't hurt anymore?? 😂 Thank you Adriene for this great attitude advice. I'm trying to be my own mom voice and reprimand myself every time I think that I can't do something so I whisper to myself "I can and I will!" Take care everyone 💜

  11. Day 20 of Build April 2024. What an incredible practice ❤️‍🔥. My arms were screaming at me after yesterday's arm focused practice 😂. I'm so happy my body is able to do all of this work. Thank you, Adriene, namaste to all. 🫶🏿

  12. BUILD 🔥 | April 20, 2024 | I was definitely feeling my arms and shoulders today after yesterday's upper body strength! But I appreciate the attitude adjustment as I have for sure allowed the upcoming summer season to trigger some toxic thoughts. So this was a very timely reminder. Tomorrow I'm travelling and will be at a work event next week so I'll do my best to follow the calendar and switch it up when needed! 🙏


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