Lose Weight Fast with Easy Exercises #shorts #loseweightfast #easyyoga


Lose Weight Fast with Easy Exercises #shorts #loseweightfast #easyyoga


  1. I shall type out that url but before I do I don’t think I did it all correctly and I also learned that I can’t count while watching videos and doing this it also doesn’t make me sweat a lot or tired which is weird to me but whatever 😅

  2. Okay im do this I’ll try and update!!! I will be doing a few other exercises as well tho!!
    My plan: every morning every night
    My main focus is my thighs so im doing more thigh exercises 🙂

    Okay day one (just morning will update at the end of day): no pain = no gain 😔
    End of day: definitely feeling good! Will update at end of day tmr ^^
    Day 2!!!: changed the way i did workout at end of day; Did 90 of each then moved on to the next instead of rotating, defenetly more of a workout but overall im feeling good and more energized + healthy (ik i havent been working out that long >:( but i feel better abt myself) though no changes i can see yet 😔
    Day 3: i feel a lot more energy BUT i didnt end up doing nihgttime workout bc im learning how to do a push up 😭🔫 so my arms are super sore (prob tmr too) and i found out i wanna have the bod of vi from arcane 🤩


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