30 Min Pregnancy Yoga Routine To Feel AMAZING & Prepare Your Body


Today we are doing my favorite 30-minute pregnancy yoga routine! It’s safe for 1sts trimester, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester. We will do all the poses that help your body feel AMAZING in pregnancy & keep pregnancy aches and pains away! We will get baby in a good position for birth and help your body prepare for labor.

Prenatal yoga and birth education changed my birth experience so much that now it’s my passion to share. I hear hundreds of positive birth stories now and I love hearing how preparing your mind and body makes such a huge difference in your birth. Of course, I’m so excited for you and I really believe you can have your positive birth and beautiful baby!

Guide to cope with pain in labor:
Pregnancy Meal Plan:
Pelvic Floor Guide For Birth Prep:
Pregnancy Yoga Cards:
Birth Position Printable:

You can also check out my 7-day pregnancy workout challenge:

Pregnancy Workout Playlist:

My other pregnancy cardio walking workouts:

My other pregnancy pilates workouts:

Natural Birth Education Playlist:

How to avoid tearing during labor:
Other pregnancy workouts you may enjoy:
Pregnancy Exercises For Easy Delivery:
Pregnancy Exercises Second Trimester:
15 Minute Pregnancy Workout:
Pregnancy Cardio Workout:

Check with your doctor before trying any of these strategies or before starting this or any new exercise routine. Only do the movements safe for you in your pregnancy. You are responsible for your own safety. Full disclaimer at the bottom.
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Disclaimer: This is general prenatal fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.

Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, certified pre & postnatal fitness instructor, and pregnancy & postpartum core exercise specialist. She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and find more energy!

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Copyright P&P Health Inc. 2022. All rights reserved.
Music: Epidemic Sound

#pregnancyyoga #prenatalyoga #pregnancy


  1. This was beautiful and your words at the end made me cry. Thank you for the message of reassurance, we are all doing our best and it's so important to remember this, and also remember that our bodies are amazing and know what to do! Thank you so much for your videos 💛

  2. This is 1 of my favorite workouts from your channel. I always feel great after, have more energy during the day and sleep better despite all the discomfort of the later months of pregnancy. Thank you truly ❤😊

  3. Amazing routine as usual. Hits all of the sore spots at 22 weeks pregnant. I have mild spd and achy hips and gently eased into some of the challenging exercises and it felt great. Loved the dolphin pose to take some pressure off my pelvis. Thank you ❤

  4. Thank you for this wonderful pregnancy yoga routine video. I just finished it practicing it for the first time but I will definitely include it in my daily routine. I like that the video gives a gently active part but also more relaxing exercises. I fell very good now 🙂 thank you so much. namaste to all mamas and babies 🙂

  5. You are amazing! Thank you so much for everything you do, for every video, workout, quote and desire to help others. ❤ +1 to those who had tears in the end of this video. It exactly what I needed to hear. Best, Lola


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