Yoga for Weight Loss & Belly Fat, Complete Beginners Fat Burning Workout at Home, Exercise Routine


Yoga for Weight Loss & Belly Fat, Complete Beginners Fat Burning Workout at Home, Exercise Routine
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#Yoga for #WeightLoss & #BellyFat, Complete #Beginners Fat Burning Workout at Home, Exercise Routine

Join Sanela a 25 minute yoga workout to melt away belly fat and build strength in your abs, core and entire body!! This yoga flow is effective for all levels, tone and tighten!

Sanela teaches private yoga lessons and classes in Austin.

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Music by iChill Music Factory
Song: Indigo Sky
Album: Spa Dreams

© Copyright 2016 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Been doing this for a couple of years now and wow flexibility/stretching is the real key to longevity, was told this from a bodybuilding OG. Healthy body, healthy mind, vibrant soul

  2. I feel people energy a lot…
    Once i saw this video i felt instantly drawn to Sanela's energy.
    You have an amazing light in you and you make exercises feel so easy.
    I am addicted! 😊

  3. Nice video. But breathing techniques are important and the breathing esp during cat cow is wrong. Supposed to be exhale on exertion not the other way around. Not sure it makes a big difference but when googling it, breathing the correct way is important.

  4. I know I'm a guy and just want to get back into shape… This actually made me sweat more than any other exercises, just did this today and I feel my body burning but afterwards I felt amazing…

  5. Кыргызстан летнии платья выпускает будим носить чапаны купила все родственникам детям красива спасибо

  6. Damn…this is really helpful in weight loss and concerntration.. I tried many workouts but this one best among all..I lost 1 kg in a span of 4 days..yeah I'm maintaining a proper diet.. I'm not consuming sugar, carbohydrates and crabs

  7. Just finished this workout for the first time and i already feel so much lighter from doing it.

    But i struggled to catch the inhale exhale pattern in these, could someone help me in figuring it out?

  8. 5 years ago I would do this video for months. You really encouraged me back then to become active. Perfect before work.
    5 years later I’ve never been at my heaviest. Everything I’m doing is not working.
    Well today is day one again of your video 😊
    Thank you ❤

  9. The first thing you need to know is this isn’t the first time that they have addressed this mess. And they are ignoring the letters and calls. I
    Am telling you that are sick of being ignored and they have been. I’m sure that money talks the loudest. 😊


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