10-Minute Morning Yoga to Stretch + Strengthen


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This 10-minute morning yoga practice is a short flow that’s a mix of stretching as well as strengthening. The short morning yoga practice includes a mix of ways to work your back and side body as well as some challenging transitions that activate your abdominals.

It’s designed to cultivate some strengthening, stretching, balancing, and, most importantly, mindfulness in your morning. Consider it a way for you to use your practice to set your focus and your intention for the day ahead.

10-Minute Morning Yoga to Stretch and Strengthen

The following practice is suitable for all levels of experience with yoga. Blocks aren’t necessary although you’re welcome to use them in any pose where they bring you support.

(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Knee-to-Chest Stretch

Come onto your back and pull your right knee toward your belly as you keep your left leg extended straight in front of you. Flex your left foot as you extend and push out through your left leg, finding even more length. At the same time, relax your head and shoulders and use just a little arm strength to pull your right knee toward you. Then open it up slightly and lean it toward your right shoulder.

Woman lying on a yoga mat in a reclined twist with her right knee leaning across her body
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Reclined Twist

The next time you exhale, take your knee across your body toward the left side of the mat in a twist. You can reach your right arm straight out to the side, pushing your right shoulder blade into the mat to deepen the twist. Your left hand is lightly guiding your right knee down, so you’re stretching in opposite directions with your right shoulder and right knee moving away from each other. Your lower belly is hugging in and you’re breathing here.

You can start to ask yourself what your intention is for the day. Just choosing one word, maybe the first thing that comes to your mind.

Woman reclined on a yoga mat in Half Happy Baby pose
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Half Happy Baby

Come back through center. Either stay here with your knees draw toward your chest or you can come into Half Happy Baby by grabbing the sole of your foot, your right big toe, or your calf as you stack your ankle over your knee. I like to keep my elbow to the inside of my leg so I can work on pushing that knee open a little wider. Keep the length in your left leg.

Release and switch sides, straightening your right leg to the mat and repeating your twist and Half Happy Baby on the other side.

Woman lying on her belly on a yoga mat in Sphinx Pose
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Sphinx Pose

Release and roll over onto your belly. Bring your forearms slightly in front of you for Sphinx Pose. Broadening through your chest, pushing into your palms, and rolling your shoulders back, lift your chest. Push into the tops of your feet.

Woman in Forearm Plank on a yoga mat with her knees down
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Forearm Plank

You’re going to inhale in Sphinx Pose and then as you exhale, start to look toward your belly button and lift and lengthen to come into Forearm Plank. You can lift only your hips off the mat and keep your knees down.

Woman practicing 10-minute morning yoga on a mat in Forearm Plank
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Or you can intensify it by also lifting your knees and legs and then lowering back down. So Sphinx Pose, squeeze and lift, then lower back down.

Woman on a yoga mat in Downward-Facing Dog while practicing a 10-minute morning yoga sequence
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Downward-Facing Dog

From lying on the mat, take your hands shoulder-width apart and then you press yourself back hands and knees, tuck your toes, and then lift your hips up and back into Downward-Facing Dog. You can alternate bending one knee and straightening the opposite leg, working on, getting your heels a little closer to the mat to stretch through the backs of your calves and ankles. You might feel this in the soles of your feet at the same time. Relax your neck and let your head be heavy as you try to reach your chest toward your thighs. Keep a little bend in both knees.

Woman practicing Three-Legged Dog on a yoga mat
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Three-Legged Dog

From here, lift your right leg into Three-Legged Dog. Stretch that leg straight and as high as it’ll go.

Woman in High Lunge during a 10-minute morning yoga practice with Kassandraa
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

High Lunge

Step or walk your right foot forward in between your hands to the top of the mat. Make sure your feet are hip-width apart. This will help your balance. Reach your arms up and keep a little bend in your back knee so you can keep your hips directly underneath your shoulders in High Lunge. Let’s add a side bend from here with your right hand going to your right hip and your left arm reaching up and over so in a big side body stretch.

Woman in Pyramid Pose on a yoga mat while practicing a 10-minute morning yoga with Kassandra video
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Pyramid Pose

Come back through center, bring both hands onto your hips, straighten your front leg, and bring your back foot in a couple inches so you can ground your back heel. Inhale as you lift and lengthen, exhale as you hinge forward from the hips in Pyramid Pose. So a big hamstring stretch here. If you’re tight first thing in the morning, you can absolutely keep a bend in your front leg. You really don’t need to go very far in this pose to be able to feel it.

Woman kneeling on a yoga mat in Low Lungee
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Low Lunge Twist

Bend your front knee and wiggle or slide your back toes away from you until your left knee comes to the mat in Low Lunge. You can hold here in this lunge or circle your right arm back, bend into your left knee, and see if you can grab your foot as you pull it toward you. Roll your right shoulder back as you take a little twist through your upper body. Keep your hips low.

Woman kneeling on a yoga mat
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Step your right foot back, lift your hips into Downward Dog, and do the same thing on your second side by coming into High Lunge, Pyramid, Low Lunge or Low Lunge Twist, and Downward Dog.

Woman in Child's Pose on a yoga mat
(Photo: Yoga With Kassandra)

Child’s Pose

From Downward Dog, lower your knees to the mat and find Child’s Pose. Your arms can be either overhead or along your sides. Consider choosing a one-word intention that captures how you want to feel today and what you want to focus on.

In short morning classes, I don’t offer Savasana just because I don’t want you to fall back asleep. So instead, we’re just going to come up to take a seat, sitting in any way that feels good for your hips and your lower back. Bring your hands to  your heart, close your eyes, and come back to your intention for the day. Pause here.

Thank you so much everyone for doing this short 10-minute morning yoga flow. I hope you feel more energized and ready to take on your day.

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