Today we are doing a 10-Minute Pregnancy Core Workout! While it is true we want to avoid some ab exercises like crunches and sit up. It is important to do safe core exercises during pregnancy.
These core exercises for pregnancy are great to add to your daily routine or several times per week to prepare your core for birth and pushing for an easier delivery. Also, keeping up with your deep inner core work will be beneficial for healing faster after birth. These are also helpful for decreasing back pain & SI joint pain.
These are safe for all trimesters and no equipment needed!
Prenatal yoga and birth education changed my birth experience so much that now it’s my passion to share. I hear hundreds of positive birth stories now and I love hearing how preparing your mind and body makes such a huge difference in your birth. Of course, I’m so excited for you and I really believe you can have your positive birth and beautiful baby!
Guide to cope with pain in labor:
Pregnancy Meal Plan:
Pelvic Floor Guide For Birth Prep:
Pregnancy Yoga Cards:
Birth Position Printable:
You can also check out my 7-day pregnancy workout challenge:
Pregnancy Workout Playlist:
My other pregnancy cardio walking workouts:
My other pregnancy pilates workouts:
Natural Birth Education Playlist:
How to avoid tearing during labor:
Other pregnancy workouts you may enjoy:
Pregnancy Exercises For Easy Delivery:
Pregnancy Exercises Second Trimester:
15 Minute Pregnancy Workout:
Pregnancy Cardio Workout:
Check with your doctor before trying any of these strategies or before starting this or any new exercise routine. Only do the movements safe for you in your pregnancy. You are responsible for your own safety. Full disclaimer at the bottom.
More Freebies:
Disclaimer: This is general prenatal fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.
Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, certified pre & postnatal fitness instructor, and pregnancy & postpartum core exercise specialist. She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and find more energy!
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Copyright P&P Health Inc. 2022. All rights reserved.
Music: Epidemic Sound
#pregnancycoreworkout #pregnancycoreexercises #pregnancy
Whoo this was a challenge to do with good form!
That was really good!
I am on 33weeks now. Bought birthing ball around 10 days ago and even sometimes i am out of breath these exercises are great to do it. Thank you ❤ just wondering how often i suppose to do these exercises to get my labour smooth and as much possible less painfull? 🤔🙊
Is this safe if I have diastasis recti?
What do you mean by lengthen and shorten??
I really LOVE your videos, I do one everyday and it's a perfect workout! I I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I'll miss being pregnant because so far it has been an incredible experience! I never suffered from nausea or morning sickness and I feel energised and ready to rock!
Not sure if I'm doing it right. Kind of hurts
Any longer core workouts for second trimester?
Is this safe from month 1
I’m pregnant
Im only six weeks. Is it still safe for me to do regular workouts too? I've been working out before I got pregnant.
Feeling great with this workout at 28 weeks plus!
Gotta say doing these with a toddler sitting on my head is interesting. But im trying lol
Lying on my side hurts my hips and side glutes. How else can I do your workouts?
28 weeks feeling amazing with all your workouts!
Can i do it this exrcises befor a bed bad
Is this safe for all trimester??
Been having terrible back pain as I approach the second trimester. THIS felt so good! Thank you!
I just can’t do that hip hike thing. It’s too much pressure on my hip joint and I can’t pull it up.
Which is very odd since I do weight lifting.
Perhaps my leg muscle are too heavy?
Awesome thank you
I have low back, SI joint and hip pain since I did this workout yesterday. I also notice very mild spotting this morning and I’m in early pregnancy but this is around time I would be starting my menstrual cycle. Would love to hear back please, thanks.
I’m 14 weeks can I do this?
I can’t figure out how to do side lying hip high 😢
I really enjoy your videos but I also must say you’re so beautiful I could swear you and Reese Witherspoon are twins! Thank you for your videos!
Do you have begginer exercises? This is too difficult for me
Love the body suit! Where did you buy it?
Thanks for the video! It would be really helpful to include commentary on where we should be feeling each exercise. There were a few that I was feeling mostly in my glutes(?) and it gave me the feeling I was perhaps doing them wrong.
Thanks again! 🙂
I’m having a really hard time 😭😭I keep getting belly coning and I heard that’s bad for the core
the breathing methode works vice-versa for me. can't pull in while exhale :/
Thank you for this video! I’ve been doing them to strengthen my core but I wanted to know, is it normal to feel sore in the lower abdomen afterwards?
So helpful!!! Thanks
Hi Jessica, I'm bit confused about th The last exercise before the stretch. I thought we can't do plank because it puts too much pressure on tummy and stretch too much due to gravity. So what makes the last exercise different?
Love it as always:)
I did have a bit of a problem understanding what you do in the third exercise (couldn't see much because of all black clothes… And I'm not sure I got the explanation correctly…)
Hi Jessica, thanks for your videos so far! Are there any ab exercises that are safe for trimesters 2-3? If so, I think it's worth a special video :*)
Is this safe even if you have DR during your pregnancy already?
It's really hard to see what you are doing when you say something about lengthening your leg, it's the exercise after the swinging of the leg back and forth. Because of the black clothing it's impossible to make out what you're doing with your leg there. Can you explain? Many thanks! Great otherwise!
Shall I do this in 6 month is it safe?
Thank you!
Hi …. I loved your videos about tilting baby to head down position… But my baby is changing positions every day due to too much amniotic fluid… Can you give me any inputs to keep that baby in head down position… I'm at 36weeks now … Please help
Namste mam🙏🙏im sugar patient mam plz which pragncy video plz suggested me. Plz 🙏🙏🙏i known perfect English mam.
Love your video!
Love your videos! Thanks for all your efforts 🥰 my husband is also happy, he’s using one of your videos to lose weight. He’s doing the workout every night. In just one month he lost almost 5kg 😁
Lovely hun thank u so much for all your workouts happy Thursday 🎉