What Is a Blood Moon, Exactly? Here’s What You Need to Know.


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Contrary to how it might sound, a blood moon doesn’t signal the apocalypse or the end times. And it’s not a reason for anxiousness or agitation, unlike the misunderstood event of a planetary retrograde. Not in the slightest. In astronomical terms, a blood moon isn’t much more than a lunar eclipse. In astrological terms, though, a blood moon is still pretty special.

What is a Blood Moon?

Here’s the science, stargazers. A blood moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse, which takes place when our home planet lines up between the Moon and the Sun with Capricorn-like precision. This blocks most light from reaching the Moon except at the edges of Earth’s atmosphere, where air molecules block most of the blue light. The light hitting and reflecting off the moon’s surface is the remaining red light, creating an eerie red-orange glow instead of the silvery glow we’re accustomed to witnessing.

The lunar eclipse works much like a solar eclipse but without the obvious midnight-at-noon theatrics. If the Moon momentarily disappeared in the middle of the night, most of us wouldn’t even notice. But when she turns a gorgeous shade of copper (“blood red” is somewhat of an overdramatic description), we pay attention.

What is the Spiritual Meaning of the Blood Moon?

The moon has a long history with humans, predating science and astronomy as we know it. Since those early days, we’ve remained transfixed by our silvery mistress’s mystic vibes. An enormous, orange-red orb didn’t go unnoticed by the earliest humans.

A lunar eclipse shows us another perspective of the moon, one that reveals a hidden aspect of her and, in turn, of ourselves. When the moon’s brilliance is shadowed during a lunar eclipse, and she’s not herself, we’re metaphorically more able to see our own hidden emotional and spiritual aspects.

It’s a reminder that we all contain dark and light. Think of it as an ideal time to explore your darker emotions, including shame, guilt, grief, or rage. As such, this is the time to make peace with that balance within yourself. Reinvent your shadows into something positive. Use the blood moon as a time to give yourself a rest from self-judgement rather than always working so hard to change. Under a blood moon, stubborn can be recast as persistent and aggressive might be deemed spicy. Don’t get caught up in the dichotomy of good versus bad.

A blood moon also brings with it the usual upheaval of a lunar eclipse, which tends to be a harbinger of change and the slight discomfort that accompanies it. Lunar eclipses signal a time to pause, reflect, and take stock of what no longer serves us. Think about closing the door on toxic situations, partnerships, or habits. Start listening to your intuition and your body, whichh will often tell you what you no longer want or need the moment you pause and pay attention.

An eclipse isn’t the time to recklessly throw yourself into an entirely different regimen. Rather, spend time quietly considering what you’d like to close the door on. We repeat, everybody stay calm.

When is the Next Blood Moon?

If you’re interested in peeping this stunning orange orb, the next blood Moon will take place during lunar eclipse on March 13 or 14, 2025, depending on where in the world you’re located. NASA can show you whether you can witness it from your location.

When Was the Last Blood Moon?

Think back to the 2014 panic when there were four lunar eclipses in a row. That last blood moon series amounted to just another stunning, albeit ephemeral light shows. Consider this a time to shift your perspective and figure out what you need more or less of to be well.

What Else Does the Blood Moon Mean?

Because there isn’t a scientific standard for the term “blood Moon,” it can also be assigned to mean other things. It’s the name commonly assigned to the third new moon in a single season. Confusing, for certain. For the upcoming lunar eclipse, let’s go with the most common definition and save the squabbles for Reddit.


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