What Venus Retrograde Means for You, According to Your Sign


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Welcome to Venus retrograde, a space of inward exploration and a chance to reframe your understanding of and relationship to desire, beauty, worthiness, love, and creativity. Here you can realign with your values and attune to your soul.

Of all the planets, Venus spends the smallest proportion of time in retrograde. Although generally speaking, Venus retrograde is felt the most.

When Does Venus Go Into Retrograde?

Beginning on March 1, 2025, Venus will enter retrograde and remain in her backward spin for approximately six weeks before returning to forward movement on April 12, 2025. Her retrograde will begin in Aries before it steps backward into Pisces on March 27, 2025.

(Illustration: Mondadori Portfolio | Getty)

What Is Venus Retrograde?

As an archetype, Venus is the layers of ourselves represented by and concerned with love, intimacy, partnership, connection, beauty, and desire. Venus is what draws us toward pleasure, art, and romance. She is the value and worth we place on ourselves, others, concepts, places, and money.

While Venus is in retrograde, these are the themes that are highlighted in our lives. They ask to be reviewed, witnessed, reframed, visited, and healed, renewed.

During these six weeks of Venus retrograde, we are invited to journey into the depths of our heart and witness all the spaces within—those that have felt loved and unloved, nurtured and neglected. We may find ourselves more sensitive to relationship dynamics. Here we are asked to hold space for a judgement-free exploration of whether our needs are being met within our relationships with others and ourselves. It’s an invitation to clarify our own needs and review what we truly value and desire in our lives.

This retrograde may feel like a mirror, revealing insights into past experiences that seep into the present by recreating certain dynamics. It’s a reflection of how our present reflects our past by continuing stories that began years ago. What experiences from the past are influencing your present? What patterns and narratives around love, intimacy, worthiness, or beauty are you ready to witness,  heal, and rewrite?

How Aries and Pisces Influence This Retrograde

These first few weeks of Venus’ backward spin occur in the fiery sign of Aries and ask us to reflect on how we value ourselves. Not just intellectually but how we embody that value by living and moving in a way that is in respect of our own life force, creativity, desires, intuition, and truth.

Aries is a courageous, independent, and passionate sign. It moves based on its own instincts, leaping into action directed by its own desire nature. It is here to assert its energy into movement and creation, paving its own path and walking in a direction that is true to its heart.

As Venus brings reflection through the lens of this sign, we review our own expression of the Aries within us. Do we live in a way that respects our own knowing, desire, creativity, and life force? Do we feel worthy of our desires, courageous enough to act on our wants, or safe enough to express our needs? Whether in relationship, career, finances, or the many other areas of our lives. Venus in Aries reminds us that we are worthy of joy, pleasure, beauty, and love.

As Venus spins backward into Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, her retrograde becomes more subtle, emotional, and introspective. Pisces is sacredness and surrender, sensitivity and intuition. It is our spiritual practice and the way we feel the sacred within our own lives and selves.

Venus descending through Piscean waters invites release of past hurts, patterns, and emotions relating to everything Venusian—worthiness, love, relationships, pleasure, beauty. This is a space to welcome forgiveness into your heart—for yourself, for others, for experiences.

The medicine of the final weeks of Venus retrograde is compassion. As we welcome more of it into ourselves, we are more able to see others through its lens.

When Was the Last Venus Retrograde?

Venus retrograde meets us every 18 months and moves through the zodiac in an almost perfect eight-year cycle. That means the last time Venus was retrograde in the same zodiac signs of Aries and Pisces, inviting review and healing in the same spaces of ourselves and our life, was eight years ago.

Who were you in March and April of 2017? What was coming to life in your desires? As you revisit these parts of yourself, you experience the healing of old patterns, the closure of past chapters and selves, and the chance to breathe new life into a desire that has been waiting for you to be ready.

Quote in black and white text about Venus retrograde
(Illustration: Unknown)

What Venus Retrograde 2025 Means for You

During this time, we remember, not just with our minds but with our whole being, that we are our own spark of the sacred. From this remembering, any question of worthiness automatically becomes irrelevant. It is a reminder that our sense of value cannot be based on or diminished by anything external to us. You can better understand how Venus retrograde may influence your life by reading for your ascendant sign, also known as your rising sign, rather than your Sun sign.

Aries Rising

As Venus begins her retrograde in your sign, it is a space to review and reconnect with your sense of self, identity, and life force. Consider the beliefs you hold about who you are and the confidence you allow to exist within you. The final weeks of Venus retrograde in Pisces will invite deep surrender, reconnection with the sacred aspects of life, and closure for old patterns that keep you from the truth of your unquestionable worth.

Taurus Rising

It’s a retrograde of surrender. Of silence, retreat, rest, and review. It’s a space to reflect on the contents of your heart—the fears and hurts, inspirations and dreams—and to lovingly bring forgiveness and closure to all that keeps you from living in truth, happiness, creativity, love, and beauty. It is a retrograde that also invites healing to your sense of worthiness when it comes to visions for your life.

Gemini Rising

There is a space for you in this world—who you are and as you are. There are others who share your perspectives, your interests, and your visions. This retrograde is a space to remember that deep belonging brings healing to any spaces within your heart that have been told otherwise.  As Venus shifts into Pisces, this belonging shifts focus to your long-term visions, goals, and career and asks you to clarify your values and desires in this space.

Cancer Rising

What values guide your movements? Your long-term plans? Your desired impact? Venus is inviting you to review these values, to clarify what matters to you, and consider what you would like to add to the world. It is a space to heal any part of you that may not feel deserving or capable of your vision for your life, and it is a space to review and rewrite to your foundational beliefs and perspectives of this world and your place in it.

Leo Rising

Create space within yourself. Within your mind, body, intuition, heart, and existing perspectives and beliefs. Meaning is something we create as we live. We build and refine as we go. Venus retrograde is a chance to consider the meaning you ascribe to life. Release the narratives that were never yours and rewrite new ones into being. Reconnect with your own cycles of death and rebirth and experience inner intimacy and self-reclamation.

Virgo Rising

This retrograde invites a reconnection with your innermost self. It asks for intimacy, vulnerability, and presence with all your layers, emotions, fears, and truths. Relating to both your relationship with yourself and with your closest people, Venus retrograde is a space to surrender and release. When you do, you bring presence, awareness, and healing to both conscious and unconscious dynamics, desires, and needs within yourself and your relationships. Let yourself feel with honesty and safety.

Libra Rising

What do you value in relationships? How do you desire to be seen and allow yourself to receive love? Do you feel safe asserting your needs and desires? Venus retrograde invites you into your heart by bringing healing through presence and inner listening. While partnerships remain a central focus, the way you show yourself love—through taking care of your body, engaging in loving habits, and finding the sacred in your daily movement—also ask for your presence.

Scorpio Rising

How do you show yourself love? Your body, your mind, your desires, and your needs. Venus retrograde invites you to retrace and reflect on the way you show up for yourself in your day-to-day life. Consider your routines, rituals, and self-talk. You are invited to find yourself through losing yourself, whether in art, meditation, dance, music, or yoga.

Sagittarius Rising

You are art. Can you feel the beauty within you? The life force moving through your body and the singular frequency that you are? This retrograde invites you to reconnect with the beauty, uniqueness, and specialness of you. To reconnect with what brings you happiness and the kind of self-expression that sets you free. And it asks you to befriend your emotions, bringing healing through presence to your inner child.

Capricorn Rising

It’s a retrograde to tend to the foundation that was built in your formative years. The narratives and perspectives, emotions and values that drive you in ways that are nurturing as well as unsupportive. You are your own authority. You have permission to build yourself and your life in a way that is based entirely on your truths, desires, needs, and values. Welcome to a retrograde of emotional clearing, inner child healing, self-talk questioning, and narrative rewriting.

Aquarius Rising

Journey into the world that exists within your mind. What exists there? What patterns and narratives have been leading you? What perspectives are shaping the way you perceive life? This retrograde is an opportunity to reflect on the contents of your mind so you can release and rewrite. Bring compassionate presence and healing to your self-worth through reconnecting with both yourself and whatever in life feels sacred to you.

Pisces Rising

You are worthy of your dreams. You are worthy of moving at your own pace. And you are worthy of honoring your needs as well as feeling secure and safe as you take up space. Venus retrograde asks you to own your worthiness at an entirely different depth. In so doing, it brings a more expansive understanding of your sense of self and all that makes up your identity. Allow yourself to release any self-narratives that are no longer true.

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