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Yoga Tips: प्रेगनेंसी के दौरान कौन से योगाभ्यास है जरुरी ? Swami Ramdev से जानिए | India TV YOGA
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Swami Ramdev |...
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This or a similar setup also works very well for back problems.
told my fiancee this is how hes going to be preparing me every night from now on XD It's hilarious shes just lying there and hes doing all these things to make her comfortable. Yeah i can see my fiancee doing that lol
Just to do all that and then you have to go pee for the 10000th time
Just get a pregnancy pillow – best thing ever
I want to sleep
Woww 😲😳😮
Any tips for shoulders? I find my shoulders getting extremely sore with lying in my side, even with this set up 😢
I’m 3 weeks away from delivery and NOTHINGS COMFORTABLE anymore!!!! Not my pregnancy pillow, the couch or anything. Looking forward to meeting my 2nd baby girl and having my body back to normal 😬🥴🫠🫠🫠 trying so hard to not be weary.
This is great.. not everyone can afford a pregnancy pillow
This is really relaxing position … but can't do it single handed
Will she not turn side all the night
I feel so much better 😊
Q bro
The pillow under the fitted sheet is genius
I just had sex
A litte better
lol I better not send him this he already bought a pregnancy pillow
stupid people, could be real if there was a real pregnant women not flat women and sweet male shitt talking
There's pregnancy pillows is more simple
Yes, but i keep rolling and switching sides and it’s so hard to keep re doing all this.
the problem when the urge to pee
have to get rid of the pillows
I literally had a fight with my pregnancy pillow last night. I’ve had round ligament pains whilst I was sleeping I just got up and threw that pillow as far as I could then I slept like a baby. (For 4 hours) 😂😂
Και να θες να γυρίσεις από την άλλη μεριά😂
why am i watching this im not even pregnant
My back is in pain when I sleep on my sides.
Thank you
I'm sleepless,tired, 8 months pg
Me every night. Except I use a pillow not a blanket to put under my waist and belly not just the belly and one pillow also gets folded and put into between my legs. Very peaceful sleep I get until I have to turn or go to the ladies room😭
the best part is you don't need to purchase a fancy new pillow
thank you
Praise the lord for videos like this
Abeg leave all this story I slept off in any position that comfortable for me ohh