We’re Partnering With Sedona Yoga Festival to Talk All Things Yoga


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You already know how meaningful yoga is on a personal level. But what if you had the opportunity to connect with a larger community, learn about other aspects of the practice, and sit in on conversations among thought leaders in the yoga space? This year, Yoga Journal and Sedona Yoga Festival are partnering to bring you exactly that through in-person forums taking place May 2, 3, and 4, 2025. As part of Yoga Journal‘s 50th anniversary celebrations, it’s an opportunity for all of us to explore the question: How does the ancient science of yoga relate to contemporary life?

The thought-provoking forums, which will include ample time for Q&A, will take place amid the annual weekend-long exploration of all things yoga. Launched in 2013, Sedona Yoga Festival has been a destination for anyone interested in expanding their understanding of yoga and self, whether you’re a beginner or have have been teaching for decades.

The festival lineup features dozens of experienced teachers, musicians, and scholars leading more than 100 workshops, classes, concerts, immersions and trainings on topics as diverse as chanting, Ayurveda, breathwork, and much more. All ages are welcome.

(Photo: Courtesy of Sedona Yoga Festival)

Heather Sherée Sanders, longtime producer of the festival, explains,“I think you hear ‘festival’ and you think barefoot and spinning around on the ground,” she says with a laugh. “But it’s really more of a conference with a festival vibe. We’re all here studying, practicing together, honoring the traditions of yoga, and exploring it really deeply.”

People at a yoga festival in Warrior 2
(Photo: Steve Ross | Courtesy of Sedona Yoga Festival)

More specifically, think of Sedona Yoga Festival as a “consciousness evolution conference,” which has been its tagline in recent years. And yes, you will definitely experience insights and awarenesses as a result of experiencing the forums. You will also be part of an engaged community in which impromptu conversations inevitably happen and bring you to places that are equally enlightening.

So bring your curiosity, your enthusiasm, and your questions. We look forward to seeing you there.

Learn more and reserve your space at the Sedona Yoga Festival.

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