Yoga For Text Neck | Yoga With Adriene


Yoga for Text Neck offers an all levels feel good practice to counteract the effects of phone and computer use. Spending time on the phone can cause your muscles to shorten or over strain the neck, shoulders causing spine to round. Bookmark this yoga practice to restore the natural curve of your spine, to realign the shoulders and upper spine and to relieve lower back pain.


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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.


  1. I missed the session yesterday but hey, I am here today😊

    PS. DAY 2❤

    Edit: I can’t believe I just pulled the fish pose on day two and felt actually really great. I’m so proud of myself. The last time I remember doing yoga was like six years ago 2019 early 2020 and then slowly the frequency went lower and lower until like completely It stopped around the middle of 2022, ever since I haven’t had one workout and for me to accomplish this beside all my fears to due to personal reasons. I am so proud of myself.😊

    @7:35 am, Wednesday

  2. I regularly come back to this video. I drive a lot for work (500 miles a week) and my back is ruined. I’ve seen a physio, taken pills, tried chiropractors… this is the only thing that helps me. Thank you Adrienne (and Benji!) 🤍

  3. Wow this practice made me feel so hot and sweaty! It’s freezing winter right now and my house is cold, but I’m wanting to jump into the snow outside to cool off.
    Never felt such tightness in myself before and didn’t even realize how hunched I’d become until my arms wouldn’t stretch above my head!


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