Easy Way to do Seated Forward Bend Yoga Pose | Ridavo Yoga Tips


Easy way to do #seatedyoga Forward Bend #yogapose | Ridavo #yogatips

Don’t let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn’t go with it. 🙏🏼

A #forwardbend opens the entire back of your #body. When you take the shape of a forward bend, you fold in toward yourself, which encourages a sense of introspection and stillness that is sometimes hard to find in postures that are more invigorating, such as backbends and #standingpose .

However, as you move into a #pose like #paschimottanasana (seated forward fold) and begin to #stretch your hamstrings, you may notice your thoughts and emotions becoming stimulated. You may find yourself making comparisons to others or wishing you could draw your body closer to the floor. It looks simple, but the mental patterns this pose engenders can be revealing and enlightening.

Credit: Chetan Agarwal

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