Yoga for the Lower Back with Esther Ekhart


Is your lower back and hips stiff or painful? Join Esther in this short mellow sequence with seated poses and you will feel much better!

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  1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟thank you Esther you are so beautiful and your yoga is excellent. I do send this video to my husband at his work, and force him to do it twice a day. It helps a lot!! His is much better now. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘😘

  2. I guess this and your other lower back videos are all right, but if you want the BOMB for relieving lower back discomfort, then try slow (like half an hour) Supta Baddha Konasana on a hard surface, which works like a miracle. The "reclining bound angle pose" – and you don't even need to keep your feet anywhere close to your pelvis. Iit should just feel that your tailbone is being pressed into the ground, which is what the whole trick is about.

    The best part is you don't have to do anything with any muscle, just lie there and let gravity do its work (you will also be amazed how low your knees can go if you just give them time). Perfect for falling asleep or after awakening (if you happen to sleep on the floor, and it's a great reason to sleep there).

    I discovered this after I first noticed that forcefully pressing my back into a door frame (or even climbing with both legs while pushing back) brings instant relief. But that's sort of brute force and strained and who knows, maybe dangerous (might even produce a popping noise), while lying back relaxed is both beautiful and way more effective.

    (Ekhart Yoga's lying leg raises, demonstrated in another video, is similar to that, but still weaker because that requires work and your back might actually rise a bit off the floor when you pull your leg up – which defeats the whole purpose.)

  3. THANK YOU Esther so much for your videos you are my favorite yoga instructor by far I love how you teach the movements and I don't feel like its impossible to do you make it where everyone can do yoga the way you show modified poses as well as regular keep up the good work and happy new year : )

  4. Hi Esther, Love your videos! in the last shoelace pose, when bending to either side, I feel it more in the outer thighs and bum. Only some in lower back. Is it right or how to modify it? Thanks!


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