Everything You Need to Know About Hot Yoga Hair Care


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If you’ve ever practiced hot yoga, you know that the end of Savasana finds you both blissed out and sweaty as hell. Heated temperatures (85 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit) in tandem with a room full of bodies make for a humid atmosphere, one that can take a damaging toll on your hair. This is why hot yoga hair care is a must.

Fortunately, a few simple steps before any hot yoga class, along with some nurturing afterward, can help ensure your hair health remains as strong as your practice.

Hot Yoga Hair Benefits (and Detriments)

Balance is essential with hair care, and the heat and humidity do offer some tangible upsides, including opening the hair cuticle and inviting its natural texture to take center stage. “Imagine you’re on the beach somewhere warm and your normally tame hair is now big, beautiful, and curly,” says hairstylist and yoga teacher Avian King. She also notes that this can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on your preferred style.

An open hair cuticle may mean extra texture for some, but it also results in moisture loss, dryness, and frizziness. Add potential damage from contact with your mat, salty sweat, and too-tight updos, and breakage is pretty much inevitable—without proper hair care, that is.

Hot Yoga Hair Care

With proper attention, you may find that hot yoga can work for your hair rather than against it.

Pre-Class Hot Yoga Hair Prep

One way to ensure your hair is protected and nourished is to use hot yoga as an opportunity to condition your mane. “Use a nice leave-in conditioner to prepare to lose moisture in the hair,” says King. Reverie’s lightweight Milk Anti-Frizz Leave-In and Rahua Leave-In are worthy candidates for seamless softening, while hair oils such as K18 Mini Molecular Repair Hair Oil or RŌZ Willow Glen Treatment Oil also offer lasting hydration.

Make sure that your selected style is protective without being restrictive: think a loose braid or a swept-up, loosely gathered bun bound with gentle, no-snag hair ties or scrunchies. Headbands and hairwraps can provide even more protection while also keeping your hair out of your face.

Post-Class Hot Yoga Hair Care

After class, it’s time to wash and hydrate—whether at home or in the locker room. “Rinse the hair with cool water to seal the cuticle back down,” says King. Avoid hot water, as this can further dry out your sapped strands.

Next, apply your oil or leave-in to wet hair, avoiding brushing or combing your hair too vigorously. “A wide tooth comb will be your best friend, and using a silk headband and hair ties can help add safety and a luxe vibe to your post-yoga routine.”

Should you have plans directly after class, King recommends a targeted pre-yoga application of dry shampoo. “Using a dry shampoo around the hairline and crown can help absorb some of the sweat so you can step out feeling refreshed and zen.”


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