Yin Yoga To Calm Anxiety {45 Min} | Devi Daly Yoga


This gentle yin yoga practice will calm anxiety and take you into state of deep relaxation.

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I’m Devi, and I help people find rest, recovery and healing through Yin Yoga. My YouTube channel has over 150 free Yin Yoga videos, and my membership site is where my more in-depth programs happen. My Yin Yoga Teacher Training is an online 30-day immersion for those who are ready to go even deeper.

I’ve had extensive training and hands-on experience with Yin Yoga. I’ve taught tens of thousands of students at yoga studios, and I owned my own studio for 10 years. I’ve been leading yin yoga teacher trainings since 2013 and I’ve trained over 200 teachers.

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► Watch Next – Heart-Opening Yin:

0:00 Introduction
0:37 Guided Relaxation
6:08 Butterfly
20:00 Sleeping Swan
23:01 Up Swan
25:01 Half Butterfly
30:03 Twist
37:18 Happy Baby
40:37 Savasana


  1. It is so nice to listen to the waves! I like your rebounds. I like the up swan, I don't think I have experienced anyone really using that variation. It gets a good stretch in the back, but I suppose it stills is a good hip opener in that way…

  2. Thank you for this beautiful sequence. I really enjoy your sequences! As a fellow yin teacher, I always appreciate when space is left within the poses for silence/stillness and recognizing the beauty of a rebound between the poses.


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