Stretches for Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Relief | 10 min. Yoga to release Tension and Relax


Welcome to this beautiful Yoga inspired routine for neck, shoulder and upper back pain relief. These stretches are designed to help you reduce tension, and gain more relaxation and body awareness. Gift yourself with 10 minutes, just for yourself!

The exercises are suitable for beginners and you can basically do them everywhere. Either sitting on a mat (optional on a blanket), on a chair, at the edge of your bed or even outside while waiting for public transportation.

This routine is also the perfect little office break in order to release tension caused by sitting all day long at the desk.

Furthermore I would like to welcome all of the new non-German-speaking followers here on my channel. Most of you came through my 15 Min. Full Body Stretch and I am more than happy to share my practise with you with the help of these kind of videos (music only, no talking).

In addition to my German voice-over-videos, I will be producing more music-only stretching and fitness content in the future, so everybody can join! If you have any video requests, please let me know in the comments.

Thank you for practising with me!

As in all of my sessions, I do not put any ads within the video. So you won’t be interrupted in the middle of your workout.

Wie in allen meinen Einheiten, schalte ich innerhalb der Videos keine Werbung! Ihr werdet also nicht mitten im Workout unterbrochen.

Diese Yoga-Einheit könnt ihr ganz prima im Anschluss absolvieren:


Das ist meine Matte: *
(und mit Abstand meine absolute Nummer 1)

Du magst die Matte lieber in einem komplett nachhaltigen Shop kaufen?
Schau mal hier:

Mein Meditationskissen:



Meine Yoga Morgenroutine:

Yoga gegen Rückenschmerzen:

Verspannungen im Nacken?!

Yoga Stretch and Relax:



Meine liebste Matte:

Meine Vlogging Cam:

Mein Make Up 100% Bio- bzw Naturkosmetik

Mein neuer Mixer (macht die besten Smoothies ever!)




Für tägliche Inspiration YOGA, TRAVEL & FOOD :

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* das ist ein Affiliate Link. Wenn du über diesen Link etwas kaufst, erhalte ich eine kleine Provision. Am Preis verändert sich für dich rein gar nichts!! So kannst du diesen Kanal unterstützen und hilfst mir weiterhin kostenlose Aktionen und Videos für euch zu erstellen. Vielen Dank für deinen Support!


  1. Thank you for your perfect videos! The combo of nice moves, no talk, chill music made me watch your videos everyday as the first thing to do in the morning and it drastically changed my life! Thanks loads ❤

  2. Hallo Mady, abgesehen von meiner Mitteilung an dich, dass ich deine Videos absolut vergöttere, wie ich ja schon gefühlt 100 Mal geschrieben habe, habe ich auch eine Frage: Sollte man bei all diesen Übungen den Bauch anspannen, wenn man Rückenschmerzen hat? Oder lieber den Rücken runden? Manchmal sagst du ja das eine und manchmal das andere in deinen Videos, bei diesem hier war ich mir daher dahingehend unsicher. Viele Grüße aus Bayern von der gestressten Dauer-am-PC-Arbeiterin 😉

  3. OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!♥️♥️ This is really helpful! I had a long-sit exam today and almost crushed my neck when I finished… After I followed the stretching tutorials in this vid, my neck pain instantly disappeared. Wonderful♥️

  4. I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful video. It has saved me on multiple occasions and continues to. I discovered it post partum when I was completely bent out of shape from breast feeding and also experiencing stress levels I had never before known- I was constantly clenching my shoulders together from stress and I was so sore in the head/neck/shoulder and upper back area from both things. This stretch helped me through breastfeeding and that new mom phase and also really helped me to relax if even a little. Now almost 2 years later I still use this stretch here and there and am so grateful for it every time. It never fails to make me feel physically and mentally better. The music is so relaxing as well- perfect choices. Anyway this is my long winded way to say thank you so much 🙏🏼


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