Easy Yoga To Control Anxiety | Yoga For Stress Relief | Yogasanas To Try At Home


Yoga expert Usha Chengappa demonstrates some easy asanas that will calm our nerves and lessen our anxiety.


  1. Your way of expressing these concepts always attracts me, and nothing, but nothing compares with it– the tone, the depth of spirituality, I can't put it into words. Your Manifesting Manual is something I can read over and over and soak up. I am in process of making the routine a solid part of my life, and it has made a difference! I LOVE your 12 meditations too https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxzpa8CIfZcihW4Z0F_ja0QF3W9KIatrsq I know I am a different person after 9 months with Super Manifestor, and in process of continued positive change! You deserve accolades every day of the year! Keep on with everything, and as we say in Spanish, ANIMO! Lots of love and every blessing to you both.

  2. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation present your requests to God by prayer with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding shall guard your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6–7

  3. This is really very helpful Usha and Aditi. I was aware of these but searched today wrt anxiety and found this. I'm going to practice in this sequence and commit to making my life happier! Many Thanks again and Love!😍😀😇🙏


    -1 ) Right now my mind is scattered from excessive thoughts unable to concentrate,
    I am overthinking everytime collapsed in negative emotions consumed by my feelings,
    I just don't have any idea what really am I,
    What is the real me?
    I have no innerpeace I am just in a complete chaos with myself right now.

    -2 ) I have very low selfesteem,
    No confidence and because of this I am always nervous , overthinking about it ,
    hurting myself internally due to the pressure and chaos they create ,
    and the feelings which come from this is like a fire burning me.

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  6. Global Meditation Marathon 2020

    To Empower Global Consciousness towards Humanity 2.0 based on age old Yoga Principles and practices.

    Mehodology: Using Technology and Spiritualtity we can transform the Global Mindset when a large number of people practice meditation for 15 minutes every day for 30 days using the 20 Yogic Values such as Truth, Non-Violence, Austerity, Forgiveness, Cleanliness etc



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