2 Common Pregnancy Sitting MISTAKES Causing Posterior Baby (Sunny Side Up Baby)


Today I’m chatting about 2 ways to help your baby into the optimal fetal position by simply sitting correctly! There are 2 common pregnancy sitting mistakes that can increase risk of a posterior baby (baby facing your belly) which makes delivery more difficult.

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Disclaimer: This is general prenatal fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.

Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, certified pre & postnatal fitness instructor, and pregnancy & postpartum core exercise specialist. She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and find more energy!

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Music: Epidemic Sound

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  1. As someone who works a desk job for 9 hours a day, it is impossible to sit straight for that long. I do everything i can from sitting on pregnancy ball, standing desk, etc. but it is impossible to keep that up for 9 hours. It feels so good to sit & relax in my office chair after 5 hours of sitting on the ball/standing 😂 i am exhausted, but im hoping its still better than nothing & I'm doing my best

  2. I'm 36 weeks with my 3rd child and I been feeling alot of pressure and discomfort in my pelvic area due to baby being so engaged in my pelvis and sitting slight back rather than straight up feels alot more comfortable so not sure how accurate this info is for all women.

  3. Honestly this is all well and good but when you’re 12 million months pregnant and not allowed to recline or sit comfortably because of this or that it just becomes completely unrealistic. There is a rule for every single thing in pregnancy until as a mother you feel completely suffocated and paralyzed. If you aren’t perfect in every way then something terrible will happen, you won’t be able to birth etc etc etc. It’s become completely ridiculous.

  4. I used to sit in the couch in this position throughout my pregnancy. And i had a sunnyside up delivery. It was very painful and epidural didnt work. Also 5 stiches episotomy. Better avoid slouching ladies..

  5. Sadly my work does not offer that type of chair to be able to go on that position squat i do it not carious times a day because i do the barbell stronglifting back squat so it increases my strength on my muscles and so far so good.

  6. Sweet, thank you! I just got a ball to use instead of my desk chair at work and I squat all the time. I always thought I was just a weirdo but that’s what my body wants me to do, and maybe it’s been for a reason 😅

  7. Your body has a way of telling you it's uncomfortable This woman is so wrong

    To this woman you're doing everything wrong

    Existing wrong You're living wrong You're sitting wrong you're breathing wrong You're wrong altogether

    Do what you want your body will tell you if you're uncomfortable or not

    I sit like this and I'm perfectly fine

  8. Well my baby was completely favorable until the day of birth, apparently, so I don’t think I did anything wrong. It think it was just bad luck. He didn’t come out and I had to have a c-section after 4 hours of pushing in various positions and attempts to move him. 😣

  9. I wonder if you have any tips for out and about. Places like church or college in which we sit for extended periods of time but cannot do anything out of the ordinary in our chairs. What can I bring to help me through and help me sit up for that long?

  10. No matter what you do, baby decides the way it wants to come into this world. I had an awesome pregnancy. I was super active, diligently followed all exercises every single day until 40 weeks. Also walked everyday for 30-50 minutes. , I didn't lay on my back or reclined on the couch for 9 months to make sure baby's position was right.

    My baby's position was right 5 days before birth but 2days prior, she decided to turn and go posterior and didn't want to turn back. So my labour was extremely painful and traumatic. Had an episiotomy and forceps birth.

    Having said that, because I was so active and did all the recommended exercises, I believe it helped me recover sooner than I thought.

    So to be mommies, don't expect a painfree delivery, it would be awesome if you end up having one but just don't be soo hopeful and then be disappointed. Continue with all exercises but also prepare for everything. I was so damn sure that my delivery would be easy after following all the exercises and an easy as pregnancy that I was super disappointed after birth thinking all the workout i did were an absolute waste.

  11. From what week is it ideal to sit like this?! Also can I sit on a birthing ball instead of my chair to force me sitting upright? I got an office job..being sitted like this about 8hrs a day!!!

  12. Traditionally in Indian toilets we had no option but to sit in that squat position for all our business. I have never known of C Sections in my grandparents generations or among my aunts (I have 9 direct aunts and about 50 aunts who are my mom's cousins or their wives and everyone had normal delivery for all their kids), older cousins, neighbors or other women around me. They had to sit in that position few times a day. But western toilets have rapidly replaced Indian style toilets in the past 10 years in all houses and I see some of my younger cousins wives having C Sections these days. I know lifestyle changes have contributed too but I strongly believe one of the strong reasons are these toilet positions.

  13. I must say I agree with the tailbone portion of the video. My first child I sat on my tailbone a lot and even post-baby five years later I have coccydynia and I have to get steroid injections once a year. I'm currently 12 weeks along with twins and I'm trying to sit slightly more forward as she demonstrated


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