Pregnancy Pilates Workout For A Fit & Toned Pregnancy! (25-Min Prenatal Pilates)


Today we are doing a 25-Min Pregnancy Pilates Workout To Stay Fit During Pregnancy! It’s safe for first, second and third trimester and I hope you feel amazing after!

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Disclaimer: This is general prenatal fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.

Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, certified pre & postnatal fitness instructor, and pregnancy & postpartum core exercise specialist. She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and find more energy!

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Copyright P&P Health Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.

#pregnancypilates #pregnancy #pregnant


  1. Omg i felt my glutes burning, this is my first class. Im planning on doing the playlist… I felt great after the work out…. I loved pilates before i got pregnant so im happy i can still practice but in ways that are sage for me and the baby. Im at 22 weeks now.

  2. Hi! I have a question. I’ve been doing your videos for my pregnancy workouts and I want to ask, during the leg exercises I only feel strain in my lower calves and knees. You always mention feeling it in your hips but I never do. I sometimes quit the exercise out of pain. Am I doing these wrong??

  3. 19 weeks and I could definitely feel the burn in my glutes! Most of your videos make me sweat, and while this one didn't, I still got a nice little endorphin release 😎

  4. Hello, I am 21 weeks pregnant (French, so 19 american weeks) and I discovered your channel yesterday, I did my first lesson today and it was so helpful, i have a lot of back pain, and I felt relieved just with this one video. I look forward to continue and improve myself each day and follow the calendar which is really helpful! Thank you very much!!!

  5. Every time I don't feel like working out but know I NEED to, I find one of your pilates videos and am able to finish the workout and it makes me feel so much better. Thank you again for another amazing video! ❤

  6. Thank you, you are helping me to go through the third trimester in a good form and mood. And your beautiful smile during exercises helps me to overcome the burning pain in my glutes, hehe 🙂

  7. I Just came back to the video to say thank you. I had a natural unmedicated really fast birth 2 days ago. Your workouts kept me in shape through the pregnancy and I will continue with the postpartum soon. Thank you for all the videos. ❤

  8. Thank you for these pregnancy workouts! I feel like myself again after a few first weeks of nausea and the learning how to modify my workout to suit the changes in my body 🎉 great workout!🥰

  9. Thank you for this! I definitely felt it in my gluteus medius (had to google that!) and I think I am part of the dead butt people! Excited to continue to build strength with your classes throughout my pregnancy. Thank you!

  10. Loved this one because it was all about laying on the floor 😀 14 weeks with my second and finally back into a good routine and doing some workouts almost every day! Thank you for all the FREE workouts!

  11. Just started today I am 25 weeks pregnant now and hopefully I can continue to do these workouts until the end to help tone myself up and overall pain relief which I noticed the first time trying it

  12. Love your channel and exercise 😊.. but this Pilate I think is to much strength on one side… can you consider doing one that you can break down more and changes sides frequently 😅

  13. Thank you from India. I followed your pilates starting form my 6th week of pregnancy. I was fit and active throughout. Till the last week of delivery I could continue with my job and that was amazing. Thank you for uploading such wonderful vdos.

  14. Jessica, I'm from Ukraine and I'm 39 weeks. I'm so excited I found this channel several months ago. Excercise you are showing helped me to cope with pelvic floor pain, swollen feet and strengthen my body. I'm also armed with the breathing technics and hope I will go through contractions and delivery well and without tearing. Thank you so much for everything you do! Let God bless you abundantly!


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