Full Body Yoga Workout | Weight Loss & Toning Mountain Bootcamp – 4000m


Full Body Yoga Workout | Weight Loss & Toning Mountain Bootcamp – 4000m

This 20 minute Yoga Workout practice filmed up in the clouds of Nepal is all about waking up your body from the inside out. Through working with a combination of abdominal exercises, lower body toning exercises, cardio flow to stimulate your metabolism, and yoga postures that will wake up your digestive system allowing you to burn calories even after the class is completed. This Yoga Workout for all levels is the perfect way to begin your day. Have no time for the gym? This class is the perfect alternative to your gym workout but with so much more benefit as it not only challenges every part of your body but it allows you to connect deeper with your breath, your mind, and your inner self.

If at any point this practice becomes challenging, feel free to take a break, slow down the pace, or take any modification that you need.

So if you’re ready to sweat, breathe, and tone….roll out that mat and join us.

Love & Light…
Juliana & Mark**

Location: Mardi Himal Trek, Nepal

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  1. We hope this class speaks to your heart! Remember to listen to your body. Some of these postures and exercises can be challenging so take breaks, modify when needed, or slow down the video in the Youtube player settings. The more you incorporate this into your everyday practice the easier this video will get and the stronger you will become! ❤️❤️

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    And check out our new Pinterest page– http://www.pinterest.com/bohobeautifullife

    love and light to you all…

    Juliana & Mark*

  2. So here we are, April 2024, almost 5 years on, this gets more and more amazing every time I follow this yoga set, so much more gratitude for what you guys have done & do, just the logistics of carrying a camera all the way across the world and to the top of this gorgeous mountain. The music just takes the cake ❤ Thank you so much & here's to the next 5 years xx 💞 All the best to the new little light warrior on the way big hugs x

  3. I am with you my girl over 8 years after i had a panic attack loosing my dad. i found in your voice the balance that I needed at the time. ❤thank you for doing this. Today I challenge my self to finish this workout and everytime I was already to stop i hear your voice to keep going. You do an amazing job. Thank you ❤

  4. 6.11.23: when I thought I have found the toughest workout from boho. This came to my page and here another great tough full body workout just what I need! Yessssss!!! And beautiful Nepal!!!!
    Should do this workout with giant screen. Will be soooo awesome

  5. Hi, I just finished this yoga practice and I did something a little new. Often I'll place crystals around my mat … like today I had a candle quartz at the sun star position and a earth stone at the earth star … but this time I also had two small rose quartz, easily held in my hands, and when my hands were free, (not on the mat), I held them. Thus I ended up energetically moving them throughout my aura … it felt like a Rose Quartz bath!! It was amazing!!! Incredible really. The flow of my energy through these movements helped to integrate the beautiful vibrations and gifts of these Rose Quartz. I've recently deepened in my understanding of the gifts of the Elemental Kingdom … they are tremendous, on a conscious and energetic level, and helping to harmonize the two, which of course harmonizes the body.

    I strongly recommend trying it and I plan on getting various pairs of gemstones, crystals for this purpose … imagine a Morganite bath or Larimar or Amazonite! Power energies to energetically engage the flow of!!

    Thank you for all you do, I am so deeply grateful! 🌱


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