10 Min Morning Yoga – Hip and Lower Back Stretches for Tension Relief


Join me this morning for a gentle relaxing 10 min morning yoga class that is created to help deeply stretch the hips and lower back to get rid of the nights aches and pains. This yoga stretch will help to release tension within the lower body while also promoting relaxation for an overactive mind. Set the tone for the day by adding this beginner friendly yoga class to your morning routine!

#Yoga #MorningYoga #Stretch

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NOTE: Some links may be affiliate links that Yoga With Bird earns a small percentage of however each affiliate product is something she genuinely loves and has used herself.

👉DISCLAIMER: Please consult with a physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this activity you acknowledge that this exercise is a physical discipline that requires a certain amount of mental concentration and physical strength, endurance and that you must be in good health to participate.
You agree to work according to your own limitations and take full responsibility for your own safety and well-being. By participating in this activity you agree to listen to your body at all times and never do anything that causes pain. You acknowledge that participation in this activity exposes you to a possible risk of personal injury. You are fully aware of this risk and hereby release Yoga With Bird from any and all liability, negligence, or other claims, arising from, or in any way connected, with your participation in this activity.


  1. your videos are so wholesome i want to cry (in a good, positive way). i've had some SI joint pain for the past week, and lower back stiffness because of it, and this video has helped me greatly. thank you so, so much, truly. <3

    PS: i started feeling like crying almost after this video so i think it helped me release some emotions stored on my hips/lower back too. wonderful, thank you!

  2. Thank you for your Videos, Bird! i’ve been doing them every morning since the new year but i’ve been following you since 2020. This morning’s session has brought me to tears of joy! i’m just so happy to be alive & to be participating in a practice consistently that’s interested me for so long. Thank you again❤️

  3. Every time I wake up and feel not 100% in my body, I come to Bird’s channel and I find the exact video I need. Normally 5-10 mins of intentional stretching and breathing and I’m totally fine. Thank you Bird, your work here is highly valued. ❤

  4. Thanks Bird this really open up my lower back and hips feel great thank you for your hard work and time u are a fantastic trainer and inspiration for me keep up the great work see you tomorrow morning have a beautiful day see you 😊

  5. POV; yoga with a small dog: "feel free to rock side to side gently so you don't knock your dog off," "release and hug your knees toword your dog that is sleeping on your chest," "roll over to your right side, kindly letting your dog know that it's time to wake up." Thank you, my dog and I both love your yoga practices, have a spectacular day! 🧡💛💚


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