Yoga for Lower Back Pain in Mountain Bikers


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  1. We got two of these for our daughters the same size for age 6 and 9. It works very well for both girls. Gears were very easy for them to learn. Changing gears up takes some hand strength and is a bit hard, but they are learning. They did not come with water bottle holders- we actually got confused and thought the Derailler Guard was the bottle holder!! Regardless of these details, the bikes are fantastic- even our six year old who only just learned to ride bikes caught on within an hour of practice and loves it. Lightweight and easy for them to handle. All the parts are in excellent condition and the bikes are easy to assemble and very well packaged. Great choice for kids!

  2. Still amazing! Have used this routine off and on over the years. My IT bands just locked after a lot of riding and long flights. So much pain…. Foam rolled the ITs til they released and started back with this routine for ongoing maintenance.

    Think I’ll probably make this my daily goto, after I’ve brushed my teeth, now that I’ve finally hit double nickels… 🎉

    Thanks so much for this!!!

  3. I've been suffering with back pain for the last six weeks since an MTB crash. Only been doing this routine for 3 days (regularly done your post-ride routines for the last 4 months) and already seeing a massive improvement and drop in discomfort. You are a star 🌟🙂

  4. I am using these videos to try and sort myself out. Had years of "chiropractic" issues in the lower spine. Your descriptions of how I should articulate my body when I attempting these poses are really helpful. It seems to be clear what sensations I should be trying to attain.

  5. Enjoyed this, Abi – thank you. Ideal pace for me. The only request I would make is that there are no modifications shown for any posture – just a few spoken words instead. Would be nice to see that, but I understand that it would make for a different style of routine to do this – maybe a picture-in-picture insert would work?

  6. Hi Abi, Great video, my husband and I both mountain bike every morning and we often have stiff lower backs. Is there any way I can download this? Or buy it to download it? My internet is restricted monthly so downloading is always the best option for me as streaming uses up too much interest. Many thanks 🙂

  7. Hey Abi, I found your routine several years ago and it was super effective for me. Ever since, my lower back feels great.

    However during the day I work on a desk and very often I find myself in a wrong position that (I suspect) causes tightness in my neck and huge headaches.
    Besides attempting to hold a better pose in from of the computer, could you recommend a routine for that?

  8. I've tried this for the first time Yesterday since I started riding again after surgery on my lower back in April.
    I like doing it, but the half reclining hero pose really isn't possible for me and I didn't even try the wheel pose yet.
    Is it recommended to do this only 2-3 times a week or will it help to improve faster if I do it even more?

  9. I crashed 2 weeks ago and couldnt even put my socks on my back hurt so bad, I was getting 'stuck' in weird positions. 2 weeks of this stuff along with the hip video and Im back on the moto and bike and feeling much more flexible and nimble, and I can put my socks on again!

  10. thank you Abi Carver! I do this routine every other day to help supple me up. it's also helped wonders for my snowboarding. I really like your tone and how you tell us to concentrate on the simplest of things which really helps me! thanks again.

  11. Ok. I´ll give it a try. I guess (or I hope) that with a progressive introduction I can do some stuff with a lone resemblance to yours. If it wipes away my lower back pain and helps to keep me enjoying my bike I´ll be grateful forever. Thanks.

  12. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I had to stop twice today during my ride to stretch but it didn't help since I didn't have this video handy. I see that you recommend these stretches every few days. Are there other stretches that you recommend before each ride?


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