7 Lucky Astrology Transits to Use to Your Advantage


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Roman philosopher Seneca is attributed with the quote, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Although that’s certainly true, and putting in the work toward your desired outcome can only help improve your chances of success, paying attention to particularly lucky astrology transits is another way to channel the generosity of the cosmos.

Whether you want to ask for a raise, do some manifestation work, tell someone you love them, or book a stress-free vacation, looking to the planets and the connections they make to one another can help you identify favorable periods of time that work to your advantage.

In general, you’ll want to pay attention to what Venus and Jupiter are doing in the sky. These are known in astrology as benefics (“good doers” in Latin) and are said to bring about positive manifestations and influences. Venus is a planet associated with relationships, desire, and creativity, while Jupiter signifies beliefs, abundance, support, and expansion.

These planets are usually the most helpful when they meet up in conjunctions (or in the same zodiac sign), trines (share the same element, like fire sign to fire sign or water sign to water sign), or sextiles (fire sign to air sign or water sign to earth sign). When Venus and Jupiter are in oppositions and squares, two of the more challenging planetary aspects, the results can still be favorable—but may also cause some headaches.

It’s important to check all the planets in the sky and their connections when looking for an advantageous window of time. But in general, when Venus and Jupiter team up with other planets in the sky, the stars and your luck, tend to align. Tracking the stars and planets can be a complicated feat, but don’t worry: this transit cheat sheet will help ensure you never miss your lucky moment.

7 Lucky Astrology Transits to Boost Your Blessings

When the following planets experience conjunctions, sextiles, and trines, luck is more likely to be on your side.

1. Venus-Sun

When the Sun and Venus sync up in the sky, there is an extra emphasis on relationships. This alignment tends to be good for discussing all types of relationship matters, like telling someone you love them, discussing the future, or simply having fun with someone you care about. There is harmony, flow, and understanding between parties.

2. Venus-Mercury

When Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, links up with Venus, it can bring lucky news your way. This planetary combination is ideal for brainstorming, singing contracts, and gaining attention for your ideas and thoughts. If you have a creative project you want to pitch, this is a great day to do so. Venus also represents our finances, so this can be the perfect time to ask for a raise,  schedule an interview, or apply for jobs. Communication tends to be more effective in general, so speak your mind and ask for what you desire!

3. Venus-Jupiter

You may feel unstoppable when the two luckiest planets, Venus and Jupiter, come together in the sky. This can make you feel like you’re in the right place at the right time. It’s easier to connect to the present moment and be aware of all the things that are going right in your life and what you’re grateful for. This planetary meet-up favors romance, creative projects, social connection, spiritual growth, lucky news, making progress on goals, and moments of celebration. It can also lead to overindulgence, so moderation is key, as well.

4. Jupiter-Sun

When the Sun, which is your identity and the illuminator, teams up with Jupiter, it’s time to feel proud of yourself. You can make major progress on goals, receive compliments or recognition, and reach important milestones in your life. There’s also a little bit more luck available to you, so this can be a great time to take a risk and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. This is also a powerful day for your intuition and connecting with your spiritual side. Listening to your instincts can lead you to more luck or help you come up with a solution or exciting new idea you want to pursue.

5. Jupiter-Mercury

When mental Mercury syncs up with Jupiter, it’s a great time for learning, coming up with ideas, and fruitful conversations. This is also when you can speak your desires into existence, write a letter to your future self, and get detailed about your manifestations and what you want to call in. This pairing can open your mind both intellectually and spiritually, helping you consider alternative perspectives and approaches. People are likely to be more receptive to your thoughts and ideas, so this is a lovely day to share important news, tell someone how you feel, or send out an elevator pitch.

6. Sun-Mercury

Although Venus and Jupiter aren’t involved in this planetary combination, when the Sun and Mercury come together, they can deliver clarity and ah hah moments, particularly when they are in the same sign and form a conjunction. This helps illuminate matters that have been hidden, and is a lucky time for brainstorming and landing on your next exciting idea or project.

7. Moon-Venus or Moon-Jupiter

The moon travels around the entire zodiac wheel every month, which means that it also forms conjunctions, or connects at the same point in the sky, with both Venus and Jupiter every single month. These can be extra sweet moments for connection, learning promising news, feeling grateful, or just feeling supported by your loved ones.

Pro tip: You can track the planets’ movement and their connections by downloading an app like AstroGold or TimePassages on your phone, or use the tracking tool on Astrotheme.com.


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