7 Instagram Accounts With the BEST Yoga Memes


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Yoga is not inherently hilarious. Let’s be straight about that. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t countless moments of unexpected hilarity as we practice and teach the ancient science—many of them quite yoga meme-worthy.

The following yoga teachers-slash-improv-comedians are experts at turning goofs and gaffes into spoofs and parodies. If nothing else, they’re laugh-out-loud reminders that you’re not the only person ever to knock over a water bottle, forget to teach the second side of a sequence, or otherwise be human.

There are also some teachable moments regarding the behaviors that you can change. Although a little cringe-inducing self-awareness isn’t as elucidating as a sutra, it can come close. Sorta makes you wonder whether maybe you’re overlooking some of yoga’s larger lessons if you’re not, in fact, laughing.

Yoga Teacher Instagram Accounts With the Best Yoga Memes

1. Francesco Mazzetti

The London-based yoga teacher’s approach to everyday yoga moments is sometimes subtle, sometimes overt, and always profoundly relatable. The dark, deadpan, stand-in-your-truth take that Mazzetti brings helps us see the absurdity in situations and, sometimes, ourselves. Warning to non-waterproof mascara wearers, these are tears-streaming-down-your-face entertaining.

Follow Francesco Mazzetti

2. Adam Husler

Another UK-based teacher, Husler throws off strong mentor vibes in that there’s always a moral behind the hilarity as he points out the foibles of students and teachers alike. With years of experience related to anatomy, cueing, sequencing, alignment, and checking your ego, he’s the teacher you desperately want on the schedule at your local studio (YTT).

Follow Adam Husler

3. Bradshaw Wish

Paradies of teachers and situations, no holds barred approach to his humor, whether his solo memes or occasionally co-created with fellow yoga school founder and podcast co-host Giana Marie Gambino. Unbridled truth.

Follow Bradshaw Wish

5. Yogi Bryan

Fair warning: Yogi Bryan’s cathartic reliance on swearing maaaaay offend those with delicate dispositions. But in knocking meditation and yoga off a pedestal of unapproachability, the man has helped literally hundreds of thousands of stressed-out humans with his reminders to slow your breath and focus your thoughts when confronted with the inane in life. As you scroll, definitely pause whenever you catch him wearing a wig in his hilarious Yoga Police skits.

Follow Yogi Bryan

5. Vikky Santana

You know when a meme exquisitely overlays a yoga theme over a cultural moment that’s been trending for literally five seconds? Seems like 70 percent of the time we see those, Vikky Santaana is the brilliant brain behind them.

Follow Vikky Santana

6. Stephanie Acosta

A recent transplant to Los Angeles from New York City, Stephanie Acosta has the years of teaching experience, the comedic brain, and the meme savvy to parody any real-life teaching situation, whether dragging yourself to a 6 am class or reading your ClassPass reviews. Her feed mingles yoga humor with proud mom vibes.

Follow Stephanie Acosta

7. Yogi Memes by Pedro Luna

Part nonchalant motivational speaker and part slapstick comedian, yoga teacher Pedro Luna drops silly, sassy, soulful quotes that are exactly the reminder you didn’t know you needed until you encounter one on a trying day. You’re welcome.

Follow Yogi Memes


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