"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation present your requests to God by prayer with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding shall guard your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6–7
I am really loving it cause without giving much introduction and lecture you have directly jumped into the postures .. this is a perfect video .. u have demonstrate without wasting a single minute .. mind blowing and great going .. all the best ..
I started yoga exercise with this yogo guide “Yοmzοzο Kena” (Google it) in 2017 to boost my jogging. I didn`t simply eliminate ten pounds however I did develop my own form because of the Yoga Challenge where I joined and utilized the manual as my guide. I appreciate the simple facts, positions, meditations and even how to live yoga off the mat. .
Hi everyone!
Today we will be doing a 10 mins Yoga for Anxiety and Stress Relief Practice.
Hope you find it helpful!
For more follow...
Los subtitulos impiden visualizar el ejercicio.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation present your requests to God by prayer with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding shall guard your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6–7
is that required to hold breath while holding an aasana?
I am really loving it cause without giving much introduction and lecture you have directly jumped into the postures .. this is a perfect video .. u have demonstrate without wasting a single minute .. mind blowing and great going .. all the best ..
it really helped me thanks a lot
You should go to Unflexal if you'd like to learn more about workouts mates.
Thank you for the amazing asanas. I will surely try it. I also have some best poses explained in the blog for mental and spiritual well-being. You can check it here- https://www.certitudenews.com/how-yoga-helps-in-maintaining-your-physical-fitness/
How.many times we want to do this exercise?
I started yoga exercise with this yogo guide “Yοmzοzο Kena” (Google it) in 2017 to boost my jogging. I didn`t simply eliminate ten pounds however I did develop my own form because of the Yoga Challenge where I joined and utilized the manual as my guide. I appreciate the simple facts, positions, meditations and even how to live yoga off the mat. .
I really like this article. So helpful with all the images and the basic descriptions that invite participation without too much thinking
It's a eye relaxing yoga,🎃🎊🎃
Do pranayam best treatment for mental health
Good ji
It's really help me so much😍😍
This is SHIT! All this did was cause my body to hurt! This did not help me with my depression at all
Please help me
I am suffering from depression, mental illness
I m sufring for anxiety problem…..
cool….. sup 😉 1st comment