5 Asanas to Increase Height Naturally | Yoga Asanas for Height Growth


Increase height naturally. Here are top powerful asanas to stretch your entire body and promote height growth. Daily practice of these asanas will show an improvement in your body posture as well as improve muscle and bone strength. Please share the video with friends and family too. We aim to promote well-being and make this world a better place to live in. Thank you!

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  1. Practice these asanas and tell us if you have been able to observe improvement in your height. Also share this video with your friends, family, and everyone to help them learn the right asanas for height growth. Let us together make the world a better place to live in.

  2. Thank you ma'am for giving us such good knowledge 🙏Investing in Growth Sinerama Wmx Extreme🥇 Height Extension Solution has been a worthwhile decision for me. Not only did it help me gain height, but it also improved my overall well-being. The solution is easy to use, and I experienced no side effects. The increase in height has made a significant difference in my life, and I'm grateful for Growth Sinerama Wmx Extreme Height Extension height system's effectiveness. I gained 3 inches more height in 6 months and I am 20 years old

  3. Hi, I'm an 17 years old girl and in a few weeks I'll be 18. I'll do these ansanas, and some stretching yoga. I'll try to have a good diet and sleep 8 hours. My height is 5'4 and my goal is 5'6 or 5'9 if it's possible.

    So I will update my results on January.

    Don't give up, mind is very important when you want to body to do something. I know people in their 20's who increased some inches, women and men. Don't limit yourself.

  4. Thank you very much Mam.🙏
    Hey guys, I started doing exercise for 1 month, Hoping my height increases. I take Shiydf supplement along with these exercises. And in the first month I gained exactly 3cm. It's like a miracle

    I'll update you guys every month.

    My age – 20🕺Current Height – 173cm📏Goal – 185cm🎯📐

  5. My age is 19 years and 7 months
    Hieght – 5.3½( 5 foot 3 and half)
    Target hieght- 5.6 need more 2.5 inches i will update here daily or weekly
    (Note : i already increase my hueght by 1 inche after 18 but i am inconsistent so i waste 1.5 years now i try to consistent and i think atleast i grow more than a inch atleast by improve posture this is not permanent but if i do those assan till my death so i never lose my extra hieght that i can get from doing this assans)

  6. I am 34 years old, I am happy with my height but still I will try it for straight 365 days and will update (if living). My current height as of on 30/10/24 is 149.5 cm

  7. 1. Talasana

    stand straight, gently raise slowly slowly heels up. parallel to that lift both the hands from front. above the head.

    then roll hands back turning them down.

    30 sec. 3 times.

    2. Bhujaganas

    lie down on yur stomach.

    keep your palms in line with your chest.

    keep legs straight.

    now lift your head neck and chest up. (NOT SPINE)

    hold for 15 sec. 3 times?

    breath in while lifting head.

    breath out while going back.

    3. pashtimotanas

    30 sec to 1 min. 3x.

    lie down. and touch your toes with both hands.

    4. parvatasana

    sit crossed legs.

    lift your arms from side and make namaste position.

    stretch yourself upward.

    30 sec. x3

    5. surya namaskar

    downward dog posture.

    equastrian posture (lunges posture)

    palm tree pose. (straight stand upward stretch)

  8. Age :- 14 Years
    Hight :- 143 Cm
    I Will Update Once In A Week If This Work Or Not. I tried many treatments But none of them grow my height.

    Like This Comment To give me motivation.


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