43 Things We All Think About When We Lose Focus in Yoga


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Although most of us are familiar with the image of a person sitting serenely on a mat with their legs crossed and their eyes closed, in reality, achieving that kind of focus in yoga isn’t something that happens in every class.

It might comfort you to know that we all deal with some version of racing thoughts, random streams-of-consciousness, and unpredictable emotions on the mat—a lot of us are just pretty damn good at hiding it. But it can be cathartic to unveil the types of musings that ping-pong in our brains and, hopefully, be able to laugh at them.

43 Things We All Think About During Yoga 

The following is a list of thoughts I’ve had—and have tried to suppress—during yoga. Chances are, you’ll find a few (or a lot) of them uncannily familiar.

  1. Phew, I made it to class in the nick of time. Nice.
  2. Oh no, the only spots left are at the front of the room. Everyone is going to stare at me. I can already feel their eyes.
  3. Ow. Why does it hurt so much to just sit?
  4. My posture sucks. Damn you, sitting!
  5. Okay, let me focus on my breath.
  6. Shhh, stomach. Stop growling.
  7. This is nice. Sitting and breathing.
  8. We’re doing Cat–Cow? I forgot to grab a blanket for my knees!
  9. Do I grab a blanket? Seems like that would be awkward. No one else is getting up.
  10. Wait… someone else is grabbing a blanket. I’ll grab one, too.
  11. Did I lock my front door?
  12. I should’ve eaten something before this.
  13. Wow, I’ve had the same knot in my shoulder for 3 years. That can’t be good.
  14. It’s sooo quiet in here.
  15. Am I breathing too loudly? Why can’t I hear anyone else breathing?
  16. Am I literally the only one breathing in this class?!
  17. I hate you, Downward Dog. I’m sorry, but it’s true.
  18. Ugh. My wrists hurt from all that typing I do at work. I should probably quit my job.
  19. Chaturanga? I’m good, thanks.
  20. Please stop coughing, person next to me.
  21. Okay, I’m refocusing on the breath.
  22. Child’s Pose really slaps today.
  23. It’s kind of cold in here.
  24. Nooo! I don’t want to leave Child’s Pose!
  25. Ha! The teacher made a funny joke. I would laugh but no one else is audibly laughing.
  26. Are we allowed to laugh in yoga?
  27. Damn. Was Low Lunge always this difficult?
  28. I’m sooo hungry.
  29. My Tree Pose is kicking ass.
  30. Tree Pose on the left side is kicking my ass.
  31. Geez. Person behind me is impressively flexible.
  32. Okay, person behind me. We get it. You’re flexible.
  33. Actually, Down Dog, I don’t hate you as much. Sorry about what I said before.
  34. I’m too out of shape for this. It’s too late for me.
  35. Did the teacher just cue Plow Pose? The only thing I want to plow through is a plate of nachos when I get home.
  36. Reclining Bound Angle. This is my jam.
  37. Why do I want to cry all of a sudden? I am not prepared to publicly weep.
  38. I’m sweating. Am I the only one sweating?
  39. Yay! Savasana. I freaking love Savasana.
  40. I am one with the Earth.
  41. Did I lock my car?
  42. That. Was. Amaaazing.
  43. What should I eat?


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