4 pregnancy sleeping tips



  1. told my fiancee this is how hes going to be preparing me every night from now on XD It's hilarious shes just lying there and hes doing all these things to make her comfortable. Yeah i can see my fiancee doing that lol

  2. I’m 3 weeks away from delivery and NOTHINGS COMFORTABLE anymore!!!! Not my pregnancy pillow, the couch or anything. Looking forward to meeting my 2nd baby girl and having my body back to normal 😬🥴🫠🫠🫠 trying so hard to not be weary.

  3. Me every night. Except I use a pillow not a blanket to put under my waist and belly not just the belly and one pillow also gets folded and put into between my legs. Very peaceful sleep I get until I have to turn or go to the ladies room😭


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