25 Everyday Ways to Give Back to the World


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There are so many ways to give back. From directing your dollar to natural disaster relief to helping a stranger carry shopping bags to their car, demonstrations of compassion and care are as varied and personal as they are infinite.

Seva—or “selfless service,” in Sanskrit—describes altruistic acts that are carried out without expecting anything in return. Whether giving back can ever be truly selfless remains to be seen. Although caring for others, your community, and your planet is part of being human.

You don’t have to travel across the globe or even divert from your daily routine to be of service. These small yet profound acts of kindness and attention can help you better the world from right where you are.

25 Ways to Give Back Today

1. Look up. While spending your day staring at your phone is pretty common, shifting your eyes upward allows you to notice the people around you, make eye contact, even share a quick hello. (Bonus: sky, trees, birds, street art, architecture, etc.)

2. Smile at dogs (and their owners).

3. Build and nurture your local community by starting a book club, knitting circle, or another activity that lends to gathering or discussion.

4. Keep the planet in mind when consuming. Bring your reusable water bottle and thermos, reach for reusable silverware when possible, and do your best to use what you have before investing in something new.

5. Check in with friends and family. A call, text, or meme can mean so much.

6. Look for the best in people. Perhaps the person who cut you off in traffic is in the midst of an emergency—you never know, so why not assume the best?

7. Plant pollinators. Flowers preferred by butterflies and bees make for a beautiful addition to your home, provide nourishment to insects, and encourage biodiversity.

8. Share positive feedback! Whether with a coworker, a loved one, a delivery driver, or a customer service agent, ensure those that help you get the accolades they deserve.

9. If you live in an apartment building, start a free box or table for neighbors to share items, from gently loved clothing to surplus produce.

10. Put the grocery cart back.

11. Round up for the donation.

12. Shop local. The appeal of online and big box shopping is entirely understandable given their convenience and affordability. But championing local businesses whenever you’re able helps bolster your community in numerous ways.

13. Be polite to customer service workers, both in person and over the phone. To that end, strive to rehang or fold clothes you try on.

14. Do your best to give (at least) one sincere compliment a day.

15. Participate in a beach or park cleanup, or simply pick up litter when you see it.

16. Got fruit trees or a well-producing garden? Share the abundance with a free box or makeshift farmstand.

17. Hold the door open for others and offer an acknowledgement for those who do the same for you.

18. Make time to volunteer at the organization of your choice. Homeless shelters, animal shelters, senior living centers, and more provide great programs and opportunities for lending a hand (or even just an ear).

19. Practice active listening. Pay your entire attention to the person you’re engaging with. Put your phone down, make eye contact, ask questions, and try your best not to simply wait for your turn to speak.

20. Tuck some finished books into Little Free Libraries in your neighborhood. Sharing stories is always an act of service.

21. Donate used clothing, but do it mindfully. Sort through your items and select undamaged, clean pieces to pass along to avoid inundating receiving centers and workers.

22. If you’re able, give up your seat on crowded public transit.

23. Reach out to a local nonprofit and ask if there are any needs you can help fulfill. Volunteering the occasional hour of accounting or social media management can make a huge difference.

24. Ask for help. Reaching out can be difficult, but the human aid that’s so essential to the world requires not just giving but receiving.

25. Say thank you—to yourself, your friends, your community, and the planet.


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