20 minute Yoga for Sadness & Depression


This gentle, slow moving 20 minute calming yoga for sadness & depression video gives you a safe space to rest in long-holding, deep stretching yoga poses with gentle guidance to become more present & aware of your body and the space you’re in. You’re exactly where you need to be. Come, rest with me. 💙 Next try the HIPS SLOW STRETCH:

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Disclaimer: Some links may be affiliate links which help support Sarah Beth to create content, however Sarah Beth only promotes products she truly likes and all opinions are her own. Sarah Beth from Sarah Beth Yoga LLC strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge

#yoga #yogafordepression #withme


  1. I came back to this practice again because I felt I left some feelings unresolved the day before. I found myself meditating on lost love, one in particular that I never allowed myself to heal from. In the second yin posture, I just started sobbing. But it was beautiful because I found that I was holding myself and saying out loud, "It's okay. It's going to be okay," as I was crying. Whoa, so beautifully cathartic. I was not expecting that.

  2. I chose to meditate on my deep desire for a soulful, loving relationship after years of being alone. In the first yin pose I began seeing myself as a lone ship out at sea in the darkness of night, waiting for another ship to pass. I started crying. So much emotional release. Thank you for your videos- somehow they are always exactly what I need.

  3. This was astonishing. Never before have I experienced a physical stretch that released emotional pain. The very first stretch of the video, the release of the right hip/hamstring, caused me to start crying. I just let it happen. It didn’t feel overwhelming or spiraling or painful like it usually does when I am experiencing a lot of depression like I am right now. It felt cathartic.

    As soon as I came out of the stretch, the crying ceased. When I moved on to the left leg, no crying. Nor did I cry for the rest of the practice. It’s fascinating to me because I also have bursitis in my right hip, and I have to wonder if that might be connected to emotions that that part of my body is holding.

    I have been interested in energy magick for a while and I have a book that a friend gifted me that I have been struggling to read due to my undiagnosed and untreated ADHD, but after this experience, I feel pulled to return to that book and try to get through it. There is so much that our current scientific model can not explain, so scientists and other “logical-minded” people brush it off as woo-woo. I am here to decode those parts of life.

    Thank you, as always, for bringing us such wonderful content for free. This is life-changing stuff.


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