20 minute Bedtime Yoga for SCIATICA and LOW BACK PAIN | Sarah Beth Yoga


­This 20 minute Bedtime Yoga for Sciatica and Low Back Pain routine will stretch your hips & hamstrings while on your back the entire time, so relax and enjoy! Practice 3-5x a week for best sciatica relief (Open for links!)

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Some links may be affiliate links which help support Sarah Beth to create content, however Sarah Beth only promotes products she truly likes and all opinions are her own. Sarah Beth from Sarah Beth Yoga LLC strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge

#yogaforsciatica #bedtimeyoga #sciatica

Music: Border Blaster, LaFayette, Pompeii by Josh Woodward


  1. You give the best verbal cues without even looking at the screen. I appreciate that because I have to takeoff my glasses when I do yoga. This was a great relief for my sore back after moving some furniture. My physical therapist told me whenever my back is sore the worst thing to do is to sit down. She told me to lay flat on my back so this is great.

  2. Is it bad that my knees are no where near the wall on the butterfly up the wall move at the end? Would that mean I would have to slide my feet up higher or lower? I just don’t have that flexibility.

  3. Hi! Just wanted to say this is the best yoga for sciatica routine I have done (just from my personal experience) and it really helps with my hip and back issues. Thank you so much from a new subscriber 💕

  4. Your sciatica routines have changed everything. I have suffered with back and sciatica issues since I was young. I have been doing your routines faithfully for the past two weeks, and when I went to my chiropractor, she was amazed. She had never seen my back so happy, so stable, and so strong. She took down the info on your channel and routines so she can watch and recommend to her other patients who suffer. Thank you so much!

  5. Thanks for this workout, I've had occasional sciatica for 19 years since being inattentive in the gym and am now having chiropractic treatments which are working well. This routine uses some of the stretches I use to supplement my chiropractic treatments but you hold them for much much longer – having the routine to aid my timing is a real help and It's very relaxing too! Cheers!

  6. Hey Sarah Beth….I'm a 50 year old guy with back pain and I'll admit I first started following you because you're so darn cute. However after researching a lot of sites……I gotta say, I think you're by far one of the best instructors out there. Great routines….easy to follow…..and I could listen to your voice all day. Even my back says thanks!


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