20 Min Full Body Stretch for Stress & Anxiety Relief | Yoga To Turn A Bad Day Around Perfectly


This 20 minute yoga class will relieve stress and anxiety and realign your energy perfectly. A full body stretch to easily turn any bad day into one filled with alignment, inner peace, and confidence.

It is an excellent stretch class for anyone looking to unwind, find emotional relief, and cultivate a new outlook and feeling on the rest of the day to come.

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Instructor – Juliana Spicoluk
Location: – Barbados 🇧🇧

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  1. I lost a kilo doing this sequence! Obviously it wasn't fat loss, but it just goes to show me that stress and inflammation can really make you puffy. These stretches were just the right amount of gentle yet effective. I feel so much more relaxed and centered. Thank Juliana!

  2. Hi there! I want to start by saying I absolutely love your videos, they’ve made a huge impact on my fitness and overall well being. That being said, I found your statement “remember that you can choose how you feel in this moment” to be potentially harmful to some of your viewers. As I therapist who also has bipolar disorder, I see statements like these as conveying toxic positivity, as they can feel invalidating to the very big emotions that can arise in individuals. You are correct in that we can take actions to reduce our anxiety, stress, and depression, and yoga can be majorly beneficial for those experiencing these feelings. However, when trauma and certain disorders are involved, sometimes emotions can spiral out of control, and being told they choose how to feel can be incredibly triggering and invalidating. Please be thoughtful of statements like these going forward, you have a major influence on your viewers and it’s important to spread messages that align with sensitivity to the mental health of your viewers. Thanks again for all you do, outside of that one statement I really enjoyed this video 💕

  3. I'm turning 70 in a couple of weeks and haven't done one of your classes in a couple of years. I was glad to see I can still keep up with you. You included some postures I hadn't done in a while. I normally do a more yin practice (old style Kripalu posture flow or a slow paced Bikram series). It was a refreshing to do a vinyasa based practice for a change. It's good to see you keep softening your approach. Namaste.

  4. Moje oblíbená předvánoční jóga letos 🎄💚🧘‍♀️. Cvičím s vámi už léta a jste čím dál lepší, Rozálie. Srdečně vás zvu na některou z mých Snídaní pro podnikavé a máte ode mě vstup zdarma. Děkuji. 🙏


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