1st Trimester Pregnancy Yoga for Anxiety


I work with a lot of women who feel very anxious in the first trimester of pregnancy and I’ve definitely been there myself.

This class we will focus on moving the body to relieve anxiety and tapping into that place within us that can rest in trust.

Want to know how to practice safely throughout all three trimesters? Download my free Pregnancy Yoga Kickstart Guide here —  more yoga for pregnancy, birth or early motherhood? Start your free 30 day trial of my Online Yoga Circle – this is an online yoga for Mums of all stages.

Business inquiries – bettina@bettinarae.com

Connect with me on socials

www.facebook.com/bettinaraeyogi Frequently Asked Questions…

[The links below are affiliate links. This means I earn a small commission if you purchase – at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my work]

Yoga equipment I use:
Jade yoga mat –
Block –
Bolster –
Favourite tights –

What I use to film:
Canon M50 –
Softbox lights –
Lapel microphone –
On camera microphone –


  1. Thank you! Loved this so much- currently in early pregnancy limbo, first ultrasound didnt have a heart beat and measured a week smaller than it should have, going back this week for a second ultrasound and praying things look better. This practice was perfect for me today.

  2. Bettina, I noticed that you have added the time when the practice starts 🙂 Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy listening to you talk at the beginning of practice. It is why I like your videos so much. Your voice is so reassuring and helps me relax into the practice.

  3. I have been dealing with some hard anxiety and depression. Being high risk because of sjerums and RA, it is really hard to stop thinking about miscarriages. Really hard. Finally found the motivation to try some yoga/exercises. I just want to say thank you for this video. It is the first I encountered and the first watched and completed. Thank you! Thank you! Your words made me actually tear up during my stretches. You made me feel powerful and in control for the 1st time since finding out. I'm 6 weeks and a 1 day now, ill be 29 in November, and this will be my first pregnancy. I recently found out about my autoimmune disease in the last few years, explains the constant allergies and joint inflammation/pain. Thank you again for make me feel in control and happy to connect with what's growing inside of me.
    Thank you thank you! Weekends were getting really hard. I have subscribed and will continue to use your videos and teachings DAILY. I want to be a momma so bad, so thank you for helping me fully grasp that.

  4. Thank you Bettina, I had been feeling very nervous about practicing yoga, I've had 4 miscarriages and I'm now 9 weeks pregnant and can feel the anxiety increasing, this has helped immensely and i am so greatful thank you 🥰
    Any advice for dealing with heightened sense of smells – its driving me insane xx

  5. 7 weeks along here with my first miracle. You have helped me in my conception journey through IVF after years of trying. Thanks for also helping me navigate these early weeks of pregnancy where my anxiety is very present. However, every day I ground myself and visualize my baby in my arms, thanks also to your visualizations and meditations. Thanks for all you do <3

  6. Thank you Bettina. I really appreciate your practice, words and encouragement. I am 10 weeks pregnant with my first baby and feel very grateful for your guiding words. The poem was beautiful. Thank you for sharing <3 xxx

  7. thank you so much for your amazing videos! i will definately be sharing this on instagram and with my friend who is also pregnant and i believe she will benefit greatly from these videos! you make the movements and relaxation time so much easier becasue i relate to you and find you very easy to connect with even when you are on the other side of the screen on a camera somewhere entirely seperate from me in the world- makes me feel like i am getting an exclusive free guided mediation class <3 you are awesome! keep it up! x

  8. This practice was wonderful! Got my body moving again and brought me some inner peace. Thank you for doing what you do! We are 7 weeks! Baby and I have been enjoying your videos since we found you!💖 Namaste 🙏

  9. 5 weeks in and it’s so relieving to hear that I’m not alone feeling anxious throughout the pregnancy. This truly helps me to be more in peace with my body and let it works its way to build a human inside of me. 🙂 thanks Bettina

  10. I am 8 wks this week and I truly believe that you helped me get pregnant and now I tell people on my pregnancy chats who are struggling with anxiety to check you out! You are so inspiring and I so appreciate everything you do!


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