15 Mins Pranayama Practice | 5 Deep Breathing Exercises you should do Daily


Hi Everyone,

This is a 15 mins pranayama practice. You can do this daily before or after your asana practice.

We will be covering Yogic breathing, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Nadi Shodhan and Bhramari Pranayama in this practice. When done on a daily basis, these pranayama help in activating internal energy, releasing stress and calming the mind.

Once you are ready, find a comfortable spot and lets get going!

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  1. I have sinusitis problem and one nose is ALWAYS blocked. I was told to do anulom vilom and other pranayam exercises but for the life of me, I'm unable to do anulom vilom because of blocked nostrils. How much ever i tried I'm having too much difficulty doing these breathing exercises and getting extra pressure exerted on my ears 😢😢. Anyone has any advise or solution for this? I really want to go do all the pranayam exercises and fix my sinusitis.

  2. I'm sorry she got 5 million viewsI don't want to hate or anything but as a beginner is routine is not for you she does not explain good enough even though it seems like it she says it right too quickly and I got shortness of breath after I finished yoga I did pranayamaand she doesn't explain that good even though it seems like it she explains way too quickly don't do it if you're a beginner


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