Take a moment and let this guided meditation relieve your anxiety.
Written and Narrated by John Davisi. John is a mindfulness life coach, teacher, and speaker. Check out his mindfulness and meditation sessions at .
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The meditation was good but the ads ruined it.
A meditation video where they care more about making a buck than you meditating speaks volumes about where their priorities are.
Two ads in the middle of a mediation video? Eff off. There are so many better videos and apps out there that are free or at least don’t cost the $170 a year that YouTube charges 😡
Gotta say, I hate the ads
52:10] I love how this meditation
Adds are disturbing, who'll want an ad in the middle of meditation.
Omg. Ads in the middle of a meditation video.
please please PLEASE remove the ads… i was just starting to feel stress free lmfao
This saved me from my anxiety while high. I was surprised with how effective it was
If you have ad in you meditation video and say don't focus on anything else. Doesn't make sense right????
Seriously??? An ad????
Don't be distracted
Here your 1.39 sec ad 🤦🏽♂️
Yeah When I Get Some Anxiety Attacks I Always AM Feeling Unhappy About Whoever Is Attacking Me From Behind About Everything On Whatever They Are Doing With Me Every 5 Days A Week And I Want To Tell Them To Leave Me Alone When I Get Some Anxiety Attacks Before I Have Been Suffering From All Kinds Of Anxiety Attacks Because I Have Been Getting Sick And Tired Of All Peoples Not Leaving Me Alone Because They Have Been Bothering Me About Everything On Whatever They Have Been Bothering Me At All Times In The Whole Wide World And Also In The Entire Universe Since I Got Into The Av4me Day Program 5 OR 6 Years Ago And They Do Not Ever Want Me To Go Back To Work Every 7 Days A Week For 5 Hours A Day From 10:55 AM To 4:00 PM. Thank You So Very Much For Your 10 Minute Morning Meditation For Anxiety See You Soon On Friday 🌄 At My Portillos Bye
Is it possible to move ads to the start or the end of the video?
My tip to challanage anxiety
Express it out. For me is through crying. That helps to relief like 30-40%.
Hug your love ones (boyfirend, gf, or maybe your pet) the ppl who cherishes you. This helps me another 30%.
The balance is about practicing back yr daily routine but this time get back your confidence – celebrate small success, take more regular breaks in between (if u are working) like a walk to toilet, to pantry to get a drink. Hope this helps someone out there!
Sometimes eating medication is okay too . As i always fight against it.
But lastly accept your condition, it helps u relaxes more easily. Because u will be less anxious about your negative feeling.
Almost forgot- supplements like magnesium, omega 3 helps mood. Make sure to eat enough and sleep 8 hours daily. Chamomile and lavander drink, massages help too! U can massage yr own feet/ palm anytime to ease your anxiety
Annoying ads 5 minutes or less into a meditation is not good. Just as I got into it. Won't be watching anymore if they're all like this.
Wow this is so relaxing
way to put a fucking ad in the middle
It’s been 5 years since I’ve discovered these videos. Before these videos I suffered from really bad panic attacks regularly. These videos genuinely changed my life and I’ve used them hundreds of times now. If there is anyone out there struggling with Anxiety just remember that it’s okay to stop and breathe no matter what situation you’re in. Be well ✌️
Ads mid meditation! Really?!
Turn off ads, this is a joke
Thank you for making this. I have been suffering from severe anxiety, and this helps me calm down. Hope whoever reads this has a great morning,day,afternoon,evening or night.
Thank youuuuuu ❤
was feeling good until the video was interrupted by a commercial for Calm. thanks for ruing what could have been a good experience.
Glad you liked it! Are there any specific meditation topics you'd like us to cover?
Be aware. An ad pops up halfway through…
Have the ad at the beginning of the episode, people rely on this daily to support them stop looking to make your pockets deeper
THANK you so much needed this will make it a regular meditation helped me enormously shame about the advert in the middle
Imagine an ad during a meditation youtube video Lol. Google is a savage animal.
Spoilt by adverts!😬
This was helpful until the abrupt, jarring ad break in the middle of the meditation.
Love his medications. But why is there a commercial in the middle of it?? That’s a HUGE flaw!
There is a very obnoxious ad j towards the end of your meditation that ruined the whole thing… Something about crepey skin… maybe you can make it at the front of your meditation? Thank you I was really enjoying your voice in the meditation before that ad.
It is hard to focus my energy when I never know if an ad will pop up. It used to be ad free, I wish it still was!
Thank you 🤎
For those felt the advertisement gave a jumpscare, u may download vid on your phone to avoid the ads. Happy meditating!
Great meditation shame about the adverts
No one would be upset if you put 2-3 ads even ones you can’t skip at the beginning of the video, to put it half way through is actually down right cruel/troll because it doesn’t happen by accident.
this meditation video is excellent for all adult and children but the ads interrupting during the video that is very bad
Shame that this is a useless meditation because of the mid-video ad…. otherwise it would be great…
If you don’t want to deal with the annoying ads then you can either screen record the video and edit out the ad, or you can purchase YouTube premium if you think it would be worth it for you. Hope this helps
For anyone who needs to hear this, you are a capable person who can make the world a better place. Keep going! Strive to be the best person you can! I believe in you❤️
I have been coming back to this meditation video for years and it helps me every single time. To anyone who is reading this, we will be okay and everything will work out. Have hope and keep going.
I was there, I was in the zone. And then I was getting screamed at by two different ads.
God bless everyone in this comment section, everyone watching the video and the creators of this video!!