10 min Exercises To Induce Labor Naturally at Home I How to Help Labor Progress I Activating Labor


Hi, mama! Here is a short video with 10 exercises to help you induce labor naturally. If your baby is ready to welcome the world, the right exercises can help get things going a bit faster. Remember your baby is running the show 🙂 and if he or she is not ready to come yet don’t stress out, just trust that everything will happen exactly in the right moment.
This labor inducing workout is music only so you can allow yourself to relax and focus on yourself.
Enjoy and I hope you will meet your precious baby very soon.
xo, Liel 🥰❤


30 min – Yoga To Induce Labor Naturally I Pregnancy Yoga I 432 Hz Healing Music for The Body & Soul

Prenatal Yoga Playlist:


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8 Weeks Step by Step Program to Lose Baby Weight & Recover Core and Pelvic Floor After Baby:


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Website: www.lielcheri.com


Consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge.

#laborinductionathome #howtoinducelabor #exercisestoinducelabor #inducelabornaturally


  1. I kept seeing the comments about this sending everyone into labor, i didn’t believe it!!! I was having some prodromal labor, walked a couple flights of stairs during the day, later that night i did this video ONCE started having serious contractions about 30 minutes later, had my baby the next day! I am super grateful for this video because i was a little miserable! THANK YOU SO MUCH

  2. Sumo hold with shoulder stretch felt so good until my shoulder cramped up lol. I'm 37 weeks but may need to be induced in a week due to IUGR. I am hoping to go into labor naturally before then!

  3. Just did this tonight (Friday) at 40 weeks + 4 days pregnant… my cervix is soft but closed. I’m hoping this works! 😅 I am due for a membrane sweep on Monday and want to see if this helps start things naturally.


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